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Weekly Workout: Be Prepared to Move on Speed Day

A soldier runs during his Army physical fitness test.
U.S. Army 1st Lt. Eric H. Hong, personnel strength manager for the 642nd Regional Support Group, runs his Army physical fitness test Oct. 14, 2017, at Forest Park High School in Forest Park, Ga. (Sgt. 1st Class Gary A. Witte/U.S. Army photo)

If you are getting tired of long, slow distance runs and want a change of pace, add some interval training with some fast/slow runs for the workout of the day. You also can do intervals on the bike, rower or elliptical if you need a non-impact day. Here are some sample intervals to help break up the monotony of running and other steady-paced cardio events:

*Note: Make sure you warm up very well if it has been a while since you picked up the pace. I would not recommend full-speed sprinting until you have done several sets of the below intervals.  Build up with 50%-60%-70%-80%-90% full speed each set.

Speed Day

Run 100 meters fast/run 100 meters slow: Start every minute on the minute for 25 minutes. Shoot for 100 meters in under 15-20 seconds on the fast run and 30-40 seconds on the slow run. Great if done on a track or athletic field.

Repeat eight times.

  • 200-meter sprint

  • 200 meters easy

Repeat six times.

  • 400 meters at goal mile pace

  • 200-meter slow jog recovery (or walk recovery)

Non-Impact Intervals

Tabata intervals: On any device like a bike, rower or elliptical -- sprint for 20 seconds, then go easy for 10 seconds. Try to build up to as many sets as you can. Start off with many 10-15 sets, followed by an easy five-minute rest set. Then repeat again if you can. 

*Note: It is difficult to do the Tabata interval on a treadmill, so if you must use a treadmill, try 30 seconds fast/30 seconds slow for five- to 10-minute sets, with an easy rest set of five minutes in there. Repeat that cycle a few times to fit your fitness condition.

If you are focusing of fitness test pace, try the goal pace sets to help "muscle memory" your goal pace:

Repeat 6-10 times.

  • Quarter-mile at goal mile pace*

  • Rest with a one-minute walk or, if you want a challenge, "rest with" squats (20) and lunges (10/leg)

*Note: Goal mile pace refers to the pace you need each lap to achieve the time you want on your physical fitness test (PFT) run distance.  For instance, if you seek a nine-minute, 1.5-mile timed run, you need to run a six-minute mile pace, a three-minute half-mile or a 90-second quarter-mile.

Enjoy the Speed Day.

Stew Smith is a former Navy SEAL and fitness author certified as a Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) with the National Strength and Conditioning Association. Visit his Fitness eBook store if you're looking to start a workout program to create a healthy lifestyle. Send your fitness questions to

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