
Take Your Jump Rope Workouts to the Next Level

U.S. Marine Corps Cpl. James Dunn jumps rope during physical training aboard the USS Bataan.
U.S. Marine Corps Cpl. James Dunn, Battalion Landing Team 1st Battalion, 6th Marine Regiment, 22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU), squad leader, jumps rope during physical training aboard the USS Bataan. (Sgt. Austin Hazard/U.S. Marine Corps photo)

After Dave Hunt of CrossRope.com helped with a previous jump rope article for beginners, we asked him to come up with an advanced jump rope workout.

Here is his Beginner/Intermediate jump rope workout, which shows how to add jumping rope easily into your current exercise routine.

If you've already got experience jumping rope and find these workouts too easy, check out the higher intensity routine that uses different tempos to keep your heart rate elevated and provide maximum cardiovascular benefit, all in 15 minutes.

Here's the format:

  • First three-minute interval: Jump at an aggressive pace, but one that you can sustain for the entire duration. Ideally, target between 150-180 rpm or about three rotations per second for reference. Feel free to mix in 2-3 skills to improve coordination and agility, as well.
  • 30-second, low-intensity interval: Stop jumping but continue to swing your rope side to side to keep your body moving. As an alternative, you can try adding a body-weight exercise like a plank.
  • Next one-minute interval: Jump at maximum effort. If you are able to perform the alternate foot step (think running in place), or a high-intensity skill like double unders, perform those for as much of the interval as you can.
  • Take another 30-second rest interval: You can perform side swings if you want, but otherwise just rest to get ready for the next round.

Bonus: If you want to increase the difficulty and add an upper-body strength component, try using a weighted rope.

When you complete these sets, repeat for two more rounds as shown below.

Advanced jump rope workout: 15 minutes

Round 1

  • Three minutes at an aggressive pace
  • 30 seconds of side swings
  • One minute max effort
  • 30 seconds of rest

Round 2

  • Three minutes at an aggressive pace
  • 30 seconds of side swings
  • One minute max effort
  • 30 seconds of rest

Round 3

  • Three minutes at an aggressive pace
  • 30 seconds of side swings
  • One minute max effort
  • 30 seconds of rest

You also can view a quick video demonstration here.

Grab your rope and let me know what you think of the workout.

Stew Smith is a former Navy SEAL and fitness author certified as a Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) with the National Strength and Conditioning Association. Visit his Fitness eBook store if you're looking to start a workout program to create a healthy lifestyle. Send your fitness questions to stew@stewsmith.com.

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