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Quarter-Mile and 100-Repetition Challenge

Airmen run an 800-meter relay race.
(Left to right) Airmen 1st Class Cary Lewis and Jeremy Smithers, 48th Force Support Squadron Services apprentices, run an 800-meter relay during the RAF Lakenheath Relays at the base track in the United Kingdom, June 18, 2011.(Senior Airman Tiffany M. Deuel/U.S. Air Force photo)

Challenging workouts are nothing new at fitness. Our group recently tested out and created another one for the masses to try.

This one looks simple on paper but accumulates into a good amount of total repetitions and fast quarter-mile runs. To make this harder, find a hill or max out the incline on the treadmill for your quarter-mile runs. 

You also can try to see whether you can run each quarter-mile at your goal mile pace for fitness tests or make them intervals of a 100-meter sprint, 100-meter jog, 100-meter sprint and 100-meter jog. It is your choice each time you try this one:

Do a quarter-mile every time you get 100 repetitions completed of the following exercises:

  • 100 push-ups
  • 100 pull-ups
  • 100 dips
  • 100 squats
  • 100 sit-ups/crunches
  • 100 push presses (50 pounds)
  • 100 kettlebell swings (choice of weight)
  • 100 lunges (50/leg) (50 pounds)
  • 100 flutter kicks (four counts)
  • 100 dumbbell rows or TRX rows (if dumbbell rows, do 50/arm)

You have 10 exercises and 10 quarter-mile runs to do, with this workout. You can accomplish this workout however you need to.

  1. Do 100 reps of one exercises/run a quarter-mile x10
  2. Do 25 reps of four exercises in a circuit/run a quarter-mile x10, so every time you accumulate 100 reps, you run a quarter-mile.
  3. If you can figure out another way, get creative and do it. If you also want to work your brain on this one, do not write anything down. You have to count and remember what numbers you have done each round for each exercise. This is a way to add thinking games into your workouts.

Believe it or not, this workout is not that tough on any one individual exercise, with the exception of 100 pull-ups, but it does have a way of pushing you to a new level of work you can endure.

Stew Smith is a former Navy SEAL and fitness author certified as a Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) with the National Strength and Conditioning Association. Visit his Fitness eBook store if you’re looking to start a workout program to create a healthy lifestyle. Send your fitness questions to

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