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This Track and Calisthenics Workout Can Improve Your Fitness Test Score

Sailors aboard the aircraft carrier USS George Washington in Yokosuka, Japan, conduct push-ups during a physical readiness test.
Sailors aboard the aircraft carrier USS George Washington (CVN 73) in Yokosuka, Japan, conduct push-ups during a physical readiness test on April 30, 2013. (Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Paolo Bayas/U.S. Navy photo)

Competitive tactical programs often require higher-than-average scores on fitness tests in order to meet a standard or set yourself apart from the competition. This is a full-body workout that focuses on both upper- and lower-body calisthenics, mixed with tough interval running sets.

The following workout is ideal if your fitness test requires the standard calisthenics of pull-ups, push-ups, sit-ups and running.

Warmup -- Pull-up/Push-up/Squat Half Pyramid 1-10 (stop at 10) with 100-meter jogs/stretches between + 1-mile easy run: This is a standard full-body warmup that totals 55 repetitions of pull-ups, push-ups and squats. If 55 reps of anything is too much for a warmup, feel free to reduce the warmup sets to five or six; that will cut the warmup reps down to 15 or 21.

Run 800-meter intervals -- 800-meter runs are not easy for any level of fitness. If you have difficulty with this distance and pace, try cutting the distance and time in half, then build up to the following:

(total 5 x 800)

  • Run 800m in 4 minutes*
  • Run 800m in 3:30*
  • Run 800m in 3:00*
  • Run 800m sub-3:00*
  • Run 800m sub-3:00*

Run one mile at your goal mile timed run pace. See if you can do one mile but at your goal mile pace. For instance, if you run a seven-minute mile now, make your next goal pace a six- to 6:30-mile pace and shoot for a mile in that time range.

How much do you rest between each set? These exercises are the "rest":

*After each run, do:

  • 20 squats
  • 10/lunges per leg
  • 20 push-ups
  • 20 sit-ups

Reverse Half Pyramid 9-1 with Pull-ups/Push-ups/Squats/Stretch in Between -- Cool down with the back half of the pyramid that you started as the warmup. Just repeat in reverse order, with stretches between each set. The full 1-10-1 pyramid will total 100 reps of all of the exercises as a warmup/cooldown section of the workout.

This workout totals more than four miles of moderately fast intervals (not sprints) along with 100 pull-ups, 200 push-ups, 300 squats, 100 sit-ups and 50 lunges per leg. I would consider this an advanced-level workout that will produce advanced numbers on any calisthenics and cardio fitness test.

Mobility Cooldown:

  • 5-10 minutes on the bike or other non-impact easy cardio
  • 5-10 minutes of stretching/foam rolling, etc.

This true cooldown can be extended if needed to include more time on non-impact cardio and stretching, foam rolling or massage tooling. You may need it after this one.

Stew Smith is a former Navy SEAL and fitness author certified as a Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) with the National Strength and Conditioning Association. Visit his Fitness eBook store if you're looking to start a workout program to create a healthy lifestyle. Send your fitness questions to

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