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These Workout Options Can Help You Start Moving Again

A Coast Guard recruit from Company Oscar 188 does plank exercises during incentive training at Coast Guard Training Center Cape May, N.J.
A Coast Guard recruit from Company Oscar 188 does plank exercises during incentive training at Coast Guard Training Center Cape May, N.J., July 31, 2013. (Chief Warrant Officer Donnie Brzuska/U.S. Coast Guard photo)

Have you started the new year moving and recovering? Either way, here is a Leg Day option or a Mobility Day option for you.

This classic warm-up will get the legs moving and the body warm:

Squat half pyramid 1-10 warm-up: Do one squat, then run or walk 25 meters. Do two squats, run or walk 25 meters ... keep going up the pyramid to Level 10. Stop. This will total 55 squats.

Note: These are warm-up jogs; do not sprint. But as you warm up, you can increase speed and distance as desired.

Workout section: This can be done with weight-added or no-weight calisthenics. Some options are dumbbells, kettlebells, weight vests or sandbags if you want to make this work out a little harder. This section will focus on your legs, butt, hips and core.

Repeat 3-4 times.

  • Dumbbell squats 10
  • Hip raises 10
  • Lunges 10/leg
  • Plank pose for one minute

Walk, jog or bike for 20 minutes: This segment can be considered cooldown cardio, or you can challenge yourself and see how far you get. If you do this workout again in a few weeks, see whether you can improve upon the maximum distance achieved in 20 minutes in future attempts (or add more weight).

PT Reset (see link for videos of exercises): This is a core system circuit designed as part cooldown and part balancing core muscles from the shoulders to the hips:

Do 10 minutes of stretching or foam rolling or add in a set of the Mobility Day below for a final cooldown from the above workout.

Mobility Day: If you have been working hard, playing too hard or just busy, try this activity to get you moving, feeling better and building some momentum. The Mobility Day is a classic way to do something guaranteed to make you feel better than skipping something altogether.

If you need to go light, try this option instead of making up an excuse not to exercise:

Repeat five times.

  • 5 minutes of cardio of choice
  • 5 minutes stretching or foam rolling
  • (Mix in biking, the elliptical machine, rowing, etc.)

These are great options for anyone looking to get moving again. Give it a try and notice the difference. If you want to add more, consider the PT Reset above, as that is always a solid finisher to Mobility Day.

If you have not done a Mobility Day before, consider keeping this in your weekly plans 1-2 times a week. It is life-changing and has helped me keep running through my 40s and 50s ... and hopefully beyond.

Stew Smith is a former Navy SEAL and fitness author certified as a Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) with the National Strength and Conditioning Association. Visit his Fitness eBook store if you're looking to start a workout program to create a healthy lifestyle. Send your fitness questions to

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