Sometimes you need a break from high-repetition calisthenics and/or heavy weight training in your program. Here is a mix of warming up with calisthenics and dumbbell/TRX options for a workout program with a change of pace:
Warmup: Squat/push-up pyramid: Run 25 meters between 1-10:
- One squat, one push-up, run 25 meters
- Two squats, two push-ups, run 25 meters
- Repeat and climb up to 10.
- Stop and stretch.
Weight machine/barbells/calisthenics
Repeat three times.
- Pull-ups max
- Pulldowns 10
- Rows 10/arm
- Front squat 10
- Push press 10
- Power clean 5
- Bench press 5-10
- Plank pose one minute
TRX/dumbbell options
Repeat three times.
- TRX squats/rows 10
- TRX squats/high rows 10
- TRX squats/wide rows 10
- TRX handstand push-ups 5-10
- MJDB #2 10
- TRX atomic push-ups max
- TRX rollouts 10
Followed by Lightweight Shoulder.
Run or swim
Run 1.5-mile warmup
Repeat five times.
- Quarter-mile sprint
- Quarter-mile easy jog
Swim 500-meter warmup
Repeat five times.
100 meters freestyle at 6-8 strokes per breath.
100 meters CSS at goal pace.
Stew Smith is a former Navy SEAL and fitness author certified as a Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) with the National Strength and Conditioning Association. Visit his Fitness eBook store if you're looking to start a workout program to create a healthy lifestyle. Send your fitness questions to
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