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What It Means to Balance Out Your Workout and Why You Should

Pull-up demonstration explains the muscle groups used during the exercise.
U.S. Marine Sgt. James Vincent, explosive ordnance disposal technician assigned to the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU), explains the various muscle groups used while performing pull ups as Lance Cpl. Ashley Vallera, a signals intelligence analyst assigned to the 26th MEU, demonstrates the exercise during a period of professional military education in the gym of the USS Kearsarge, at sea, June 7, 2013. (Cpl. Kyle N. Runnels/U.S. Marine Corps photo)

The assist machines are great for getting in reps of pull-ups or dips when you cannot do them with 100% of your body weight. But as you lose body weight and you get stronger, the ability to do non-assisted pull-ups and dips will be created.

If you think about the muscle groups you are using for both exercises, you use your chest, triceps and shoulders mainly for your pushing exercises (dips, push-ups). For pulling exercises like pull-ups and pull-downs, it is mainly back, biceps and some smaller rear shoulder muscles. These have the ability to be super strong but are usually not due to lack of work or athletic history of use. This simple truth: If you do not practice pull-ups, you likely will not be able to do them, especially if you are overweight. To work push-pull muscles together in balance, arrange your workout so you complete sets or circuits that equal each other. I like to do a push-pull-leg-ab exercise circuit with different exercises. For instance:

One minute of each exercise

Set #1: Pull-downs, bench press, leg press, abs of choice

Rest with 3-4 minutes of cardio

Set #2: Pull-ups, dips, squats, abs of choice

Rest with 3-4 minutes of cardio

Set #3: Dumbbell bench press, dumbbell rows, wood-chopper squats, weighted abs of choice

Rest with 3-4 minutes of cardio

Set #4: Lightweight shoulder workout and MJDB #2

See links for how to do the Set #4 workouts

The Best Shoulder Workout

Isolation Exercises the Right Way

If you are a beginner, use an assist machine for the pull-ups and dips set and light weights for the other exercises. If you are at the intermediate level, repeat Sets #1-4 a second time. If you are advanced, try a third round of above for a balanced workout.

Stew Smith is a former Navy SEAL and fitness author certified as a Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) with the National Strength and Conditioning Association. Visit his Fitness eBook store if you're looking to start a workout program to create a healthy lifestyle. Send your fitness questions to

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