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Tactical Fitness: If Your Quads Are Weak, Here's How to Strengthen Them

Airmen perform flutter kicks in Alaska.
Members of the 354th Maintenance Group perform flutter kicks during Fit Flag at Baker Field House at Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska, Feb. 24, 2012. (Staff Sgt. Jim Araos/U.S. Air Force photo)


I have noticed that when I do my Navy PFT, during the sit-up portion, my quads tire quickly. This greatly affects my run. It's a somewhat recent problem. Last summer I could ace the test with over 80 sit-ups and score a 8.45 or less (on the) run. Now my quads have been tiring, and my runs have been in the mid 9s. Is there anything I can do to solve this issue?

Sure, there are a few solutions that range from simply using a different position during sit-ups to doing more sit-ups and running. Regardless, here are a few ways to get better scores.

  1. Back your butt about 12-18 inches away from your heel while doing sit-ups. The closer your feet are to your butt, the more you have to use the hip flexor group muscles, which makes your stomach muscles do less work.
  2. Do more hip exercises. Flutter kicks, leg levers, high knee running in place and knee up while hanging on a pull-up bar are great ways to get your hip flexors stronger.
  3. Focus on pace for both the sit-up and run portions of the test. Too many people start out too fast and start to fail in sit-ups or fall off their pace in the run. Here are some set/rep workouts to help you use muscle memory to achieve your goal pace.

For 80+ sit-ups in two minutes, you need to make sure that for each 30-second period, you are at 20 sit-ups. This will help you maintain a pace of 20 reps at 30-second time periods. That pace soon will become muscle memory, and you can hit 20 or 30 seconds for multiple sets and eventually 80 in two minutes again.

For running, if you want to get back in the low- to mid-nine-minute time for the 1.5-mile run, you need to learn the pace of 95 seconds per quarter mile. This will set you up by not starting out too fast or burning out, and keep you at a 9:30 pace for the 1.5-mile run. Do 6-8 sets of quarter-mile runs at 95 seconds to muscle-memory this pace as well. Then build up to half-mile and three-quarter-mile runs at the same pace.

Hip and leg muscles.

Figure from

Keep these muscles flexible by stretching before/after sit-ups and running workouts and tests. Your standard thigh stretch (heel to butt) will get most of these, but pushing your hips forward and squeezing your glutes together while stretching really will get deep into the hip/thigh muscles.

Stew Smith is a former Navy SEAL and fitness author certified as a Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) with the National Strength and Conditioning Association. Visit his Fitness eBook store if you’re looking to start a workout program to create a healthy lifestyle. Send your fitness questions to

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