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Tactical Fitness: How Military Veterans Can Remain Fit As They Age

No matter your age or ability level, swimming can be a lifelong activity.
No matter your age or ability level, swimming can be a lifelong activity. (Daniel Cernero/Fort Hood Sentinel sports photo)

Training throughout your life requires persistence and a true love for exercise. Often, after the military, sports and extracurricular fitness activities, your body bears the scars of a life well-lived. 

Here is a question from a veteran still seeking to keep moving as he enters his late 50s.


How many millions of guys 55 and up have asked you this? I have trained my whole life from school, through the military and am still going. I am frustrated that due to joint replacements and arthritis, I can no longer do pull-ups, burpees, bench, etc. Experts say to do CrossFit, don't run distance, just sprint, etc. I still run, do push-ups and I want to stay lean without deadlifts, big lifts and kettlebells. Can I stick with the old PT movements and succeed? What are your thoughts?



Paul --

I wish that many people would ask me this question. I do not get many 55+-age athletes looking for creative ways to keep moving. Unfortunately, I get more 55+-year-olds wanting to get back started after 20-30 years of inactivity, but that is another article.

But to answer your question -- yes, absolutely.

I love calisthenics and spend more than half the year only running and doing calisthenics. I tend to do pretty high reps, so I like to cycle through high-volume calisthenics and distance, with heavier weights and non-impact options usually in the winter.

See how I cycle these things by using periodization.

I also like to spend a significant portion of the year not running and doing other non-impact cardio options, such as swimming, rowing, biking and elliptical machines. I find that after a long cycle of running, non-impact cardio still helps me stay lean without the aches and pains of running.

My recommendation is to try swimming and yoga. These are two great options to keep your joints mobile and your heart and lungs strong. Each decade, I find myself running less and swimming more and am pain free by doing so.

Other Resistance Options

Now since you cannot do pull-ups, I would try using a TRX or rings to do suspension rows.

TRX Squat/Rows: It is both an easier version of the squat and a pulling exercise that can replace the pull-up.

I also do a lightweight shoulder workout that I love on upper-body days.

Here are some more ideas on PT workout arrangements if you like to mix in short runs with calisthenics arrangements.

I hope this series of ideas will help keep you moving well into your 60s. Thanks for your service and your inspiration for this article.

Stew Smith CSCS

Stew Smith is a former Navy SEAL and fitness author certified as a Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) with the National Strength and Conditioning Association. Visit his Fitness eBook store if you're looking to start a workout program to create a healthy lifestyle. Send your fitness questions to

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