Woman or Man, Here's the Common Denominator to Passing a Pull-up Test Women and men can do pull-ups. Women and men can fail to do pull-ups. But the common denominator to passing a pull-up test is...
What the Marine Corps Fitness Test Changes Mean for You The Marine Corps made some big changes not only to the PFT, but also to the combat fitness test and body-fat standards.
Pull-ups Part Three: Going from 10 to 20 Pull-ups This article is the last of a three-part series on how to do pull-ups. This article will show you how to get up to 20 reps or...
Pull-ups Part One: How to Get Your First Pull-up This article, the first of a three-part series, will show you how to condition your body so you can perform your first pull...
Pull-ups Part Two: Going from 1 to 10 Pull-ups This article is the second of a three-part series on how to do pull-ups. This article will show you how to get up to 10 reps.
9 Ways to Tell That You Might Be a Runner Here is a series of issues that runners face every year, along with links or advice to help with whatever running goals you...
Ask Stew: Questions from a Teen Recruit Preparing for USMC A call to service should be taken seriously and not because you could not find anything else to do, especially if you are...
Marine Corps Body Composition Program The Marine Corps PCP has two main components - The Physical Fitness Test and the Body Composition Program.
USMC PFT Score Charts The following are the detailed score charts for both male and female Marine's for each PFT event.
A Leg Day Challenge for Longevity: Working Your Heart and Lungs With Your Legs When developing longevity is your priority over one-rep maxes and timed-run events, consider the three most important “organs...
How to Select the Best Swim Stroke for the Navy Physical Screening Test When taking the Navy Physical Screening Test -- the common fitness test for jobs in the Navy that require swimming and diving...
Plan Goals for Your Workout: 5 Ways to Make the Most of Your Time in the Gym Having a plan to do everything you want is critical to finding that efficient sweet spot between your efforts and your time.
How to Deal with Burnout During Your Military Fitness Training Even with a solid recovery plan, if your workouts are the same routine each week, you may want to mix it up.