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Proven Methods to Rebuild Your Fitness Habit

Marine recruiters sprint 880 meters during a combat fitness test.
U.S. Marine recruiters, with Recruiting Station Cleveland, sprint 880 meters during a combat fitness test at Canton, Michigan, Nov. 13, 2020. (Cpl. Nello Miele/U.S. Marine Corps photo)

It is not uncommon to be in the fitness habit for many years, but when an injury or illness causes a break in your daily routine, getting that habit started again can be difficult. The longer you spend not exercising also builds a habit.  That is why in order to achieve a goal, you must deal with two habits: one you must break and one you must start.  Here is a list of considerations that are reframed to help with dealing with the two habits above:

Instead of thinking that you need to start working out every day for an hour:

Do this, not that. Set a time every day to start doing a form of physical activity. For many, getting up a little earlier seems to conflict only with sleeping longer.

The goal here is to get out of bed, put on your exercise clothes and shoes, and start walking. If you have equipment available, bike, elliptical glide, row or swim. Start out for 10 minutes.

If you still are getting over a long-term illness, are still weak or are just beginning a fitness routine, this is all you need to build the habit of waking up and moving. Now, if you feel better after 10 minutes, keep moving, add other dumbbell and calisthenics exercises and stretches.

But let the 10 minutes of moving determine that, not the comfortable bed. This way, the habit of exercise is starting to build, regardless of whether a 10- or 45-minute workout is completed. Do these 5-6 days a week for a month, and you will find the habit is there for you and you will feel much better after only a week of starting this wakeup routine.

'It is easier to prevent bad habits than to break them.' ― Benjamin Franklin

Eat this, not that: As with moving and adding activity over inactivity, the same holds true to eating healthier options and eating less than healthy options. There are many foods that we all know are not considered healthful.

Eating less of these or, even better, eliminating the high-sugar content from your diet can be a liberating habit to break that not only makes you look better but feel better, too. Foods like lean meats, nuts, seeds, berries and fish and other healthy but tasty treats can be a suitable replacement for the standard snacks we mindlessly and habitually eat.

Start small, not big: When people get motivated to change their health, wellness and appearance through dieting and exercise while also eliminating bad habits, that challenge becomes too big to do at once. Start small and specific. Just add movement on Day 1. Move more for the first month. If you want to add something else, drink more water, but save the dieting for another month.

And save the big, bad habits for a different month. You may find that by adding more movement to your day, you actually crave healthier foods and drink more water than normal. Continue for a month or two, and you may find that you are drinking less alcohol and ready to give up smoking. The key here is not to do it all at once. 

People make resolutions each year like that, and they typically do not make it to February. Read New Year – New Goals (12 month Challenge)

Find partners. Finding a workout partner is the most effective way to start adding healthy habits. Feeling like you are going to let someone down by not showing up is a good motivator to get out of that comfortable bed in the morning.

If you need more expertise with training, find a trainer at a local gym or hire one to meet you at your house or a local park. The monetary investment is also a good motivator for you to get moving again, and people tend to stick to it longer when there is a level of accountability.

'Motivation is what gets you started; habit is what keeps you going.' — Jim Ryun

Let it out; don't keep it in. Let many people know you are starting your road to fitness. Not only is this a good source of internal motivation, but you also may help motivate another person to move. You may find a few partners with such an announcement. There may be doubters in your circle, too; proving people wrong is a strong source of motivation for many, though it can be crushing as well.

Know who you are talking to and avoid too many negative people. People come in two types: faucets or drains. They either will fill you up or suck the life out of you. Be strong when you find negativity in your day and prove it to yourself that you can rise above the haters.

The combination of starting a healthy habit has to be combined with eliminating something else. Make sure your why is strong. Having a solid why is important -- for your health, family, future and confidence.

Whatever the reason you have to start a new habit and break an old one, let it be understood mainly by you. When it matters, self-motivation will win every time. Good luck.

Stew Smith is a former Navy SEAL and fitness author certified as a Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) with the National Strength and Conditioning Association. Visit his Fitness eBook store if you’re looking to start a workout program to create a healthy lifestyle. Send your fitness questions to

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