Sharking in the Combat Swimmer Stroke


    "Sharking" refers to your elbow coming too high out of the water during the recovery of your arms after the kick in the side stroke, modified side strokes, or AKA combat swimmer stroke. First 25m is what NOT to do - second 25m is how to correct it. For more information on Stew Smith Training for any job that requires a fitness test, check out or for books, ebooks, and online coaching.

    Combat Swimmer Stroke - breakdown.  Kick off the wall, double arm pull, CSS stroke cycle of Pull, breathe, kick, glide.

    Top arm pull is a freestyle arm pull.

    Bottom arm is more similar to a breast stroke scull (not a full stroke to your side)  BREATHE during the bottom arm pull.

    Turn to breathe - do not lift your head up to breathe.

    Kick can either be a scissor kick or a breast stroke kick BUT when swimming with fins you need to learn scissor / flutterkicks.

    Kick hard / pull hard = glide fast.

    Related article: The Challenges of Passing Military Swimming Tests

    You don't have to be a competitive swimmer to ace Spec Ops Training, you just need to be good and comfortable in the water.

    Thanks again - StewSmith   

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