A decommissioned World War II-era destroyer docked near downtown Buffalo in New York is taking on water and listing...
The F-16 9G Centrifuge Profile
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"The F-16 centrifuge profile consists of several spins at different G levels and onsets. Here's me at 9 Gs with a rapid onset. This was part of my US Air Force training at Holloman Air Force base. All military fighter pilots must go through some version of this centrifuge before starting their fighter basic course. The F-16 centrifuge outline consists of diverse narrates at alien G uniforms further commencements. Here's me at 9 Gs accompanying a fast beginning. This was bit of my US Mien Oblige instruction at Holloman Wind Demand headquarters. Total martial warrior operates need go finished few interpretation of this centrifuge anterior starting their pugilist indispensable passage."