Iran Unveils New Smart Weapons System


    Iran unveils another part of its military potential as the US and Israel continue their threats against Iran's nuclear facilities. The latest item unveiled by Iran's defense minister is a smart ammunition system titled “BASIR”, its main objective is to enhance Iran's defense capability during military threats. Basir is an Iranian artillery fired laser-guided, 155 mm explosive projectile designed to destroy enemy tanks, vehicles and other moving or non-moving targets with high precision. This weapon is similar in function with Russian Kransnopol or American M712 Copperhead. These shells were unveiled in 1/30/2012 at the first day of so called "Daheye Fajr", a key point during the Islamic Revolution by defense minister Ahmad Vahidi. He later added that this system is very useful in mountainous areas. Iranian TV showed some footage of the weapon being fired from an HM 41 at land and sea targets. It has a reported range of 20 km.

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