Last week, CBS Films promoted the release of American Assassin by inviting a group for a day of introductory tactical training with American Defense Enterprises at an undisclosed location* outside of Los Angeles. Former Navy SEAL Joost Janssen was the military advisor for the movie and he was on site for some shooting and some interviews.
Janssen got into the business working with legendary SEAL Harry Humphries and his GSGI team, one of the world's premiere military film consulting business. He worked with Michael Bay on 13 Hours and Transformers: The Last Knight and on the upcoming Jack Ryan television series starring John Krasinski.
I also had the good fortune of working with videographer Zach Rockwood, who filmed my interview with Joost and cut together this video showing what happened.
ADE is not messing around. They train law enforcement and military clients and the entire experience was several steps up from the "special ops fantasy camp" experience you get from some other companies.
Bonus clip: Joost talks about his work with Michael Bay on 13 Hours.
*That's not really true. Full disclosure: we went to Burro Canyon Shooting Park.