Watch How Air Force PJs Make a Daring High-Altitude Rescue on Mount Rainier Naveed Jamali, a veteran and former spy, hosts Newsweek's ongoing web series, "Unconventional," taking a behind-the-scenes...
A New Vietnam War Documentary Series from Apple TV+ Gets Personal with Veterans and Civilians In commemoration of the final end of the Vietnam War and the fall of Saigon, Apple TV+ will premiere a new documentary that...
Navy Veteran and ‘Love Connection’ Television Host Chuck Woolery Dead at 83 Before longtime game-show host Chuck Woolery started his decades-long career on television, he served in the U.S. Navy aboard...
What It's Like to Live and Work with the World's Deadliest Weapon: the Minuteman III ICBM Some parts of North Dakota, Montana, Colorado, Wyoming and Nebraska are home to some 400 nuclear-tipped ICBMs and the 10,000...
How Cher's 'Turn Back Time' Music Video Made Even the Navy Blush A video featuring Cher singing to a rowdy group of American sailors would have been no trouble for anyone involved -- if it...
The History Channel's 'The American Soldier' Documents the Evolution of the US Army From the earliest settlers and the Revolutionary War, American soldiers have been a transformative force shaping history.
Denis Leary Plays an 'Arrogant Loudmouth' Combat Officer Exiled to a Peacetime Command in Fox's 'Going Dutch' Denis Leary will portray “arrogant loudmouth” Quinn, a highly decorated combat commander who has served in every recent...
'Office Joe' Is a New Veteran Comedy from the Team that Brought You 'Range 15' Creators Nick Palmisciano and crew are back with a new veteran production, and this time, the story is something every...
How Jon Stewart's Visits with Wounded Iraq War Veterans Shaped his Military Advocacy Stewart is pushing for the expansion of the PACT Act to include U.S. special operations forces based in Uzbekistan and...
Nat Geo's 'National Parks: USA' Is a Must-Watch for Veterans with Free National Parks Access If you're serving in the U.S. military and don't enjoy trudging through the wilderness, it's gonna be a long 4-6 years for...
Putin Says He Is Ready for Talks With Trump Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday seconded U.S. President Donald Trump's claim that he could have prevented the conflict...
Ukraine Plans to Reform Recruitment Efforts To Attract Younger Soldiers and Boost Forces Ukraine is in the final stages of drafting recruitment reforms to attract 18- to 25-year-olds who are currently exempt...
Master Class: The 'Shoot Me Your Resume' Resume: The One-Page Miracle That Makes All the Difference Shoot me your resume. These are the magic words every jobhunter should be hoping to hear. Even though you...
President Trump Attends Commander-In-Chief, Liberty Inaugural Balls After taking the oath of office and signing dozens of executive orders, President Donald Trump and first lady Melania...
Ukrainian Soldiers Hope U.S. Support Continues After Donald Trump’s Inauguration Ukrainian soldiers fighting on the eastern frontline reacted to Donald Trump being sworn in as the 47th US President...