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Operation Gratitude: M&M'S for the Troops


Add M&M'S to the list of amazing things brought to us by the United States Military. The candies were invented in 1941 as a military ration. Their hard candy shell is designed to keep the chocolate inside from melting, making them perfect for foxhole consumption. Mars Chocolate began selling M&M'S to the public in 1947 and the candy has been an American favorite ever since.

Operation Gratitude care package pix

Since 2014, Mars Chocolate has partnered with Operation Gratitude, a non-profit organization that sends care packages to U.S. service members deployed overseas. The group annually sends 250,000+ care packages filled with snacks, entertainment, hygiene products, handmade items, plus personal letters of appreciation to New Recruits, Veterans, First Responders, individually-named U.S. Service Members deployed overseas, Wounded Heroes and their caregivers. The 501(c)(3) non-profit, volunteer-based corporation says that more than 95% of all financial donations are devoted to Program Services.

Operation Gratitude care package

In honor of M&M’S 75th Anniversary celebration this year, Mars is also donating $750,000 worth of product to Operation Gratitude for use in military care packages.

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Next time you open a bag at the movies, remember where your M&M'S (Now - 100% at War!) came from.

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