2015 was a great year with a lot of hilarious military meme wars. Here are 15 of WATM’s favorite from the past year. Share your favorites on our Facebook page.
1. Because 2015 was the year of “F-ck ISIS.”

And nothing gets that point across as well as a giant flying pig that fires grenades and rockets while dropping bombs.
2. While American ground troops have seen little combat against Daesh, they have been getting ready.
Just wait till ISIS feels the full effects of Anti-Terrorism Level 1.
3. ISIS was making headlines, but most troops were still just trying to pass inspection:
Those pants may be ready in time, but that sling is UNSAT.
4. 24-hour operations took their toll:
“I was just looking for my comb.”
5. Because someone needs to make the ground parade ready.
They probably get a Combat Action Badge for hitting a mouse with a mower.
6. The Air Force is the chess club of the military.
It may be the smartest, but no one is jealous.
7. Seriously LT, it’s for your own protection.
And also our protection. You are definitely not ready for an AT-4.
8. How about, “All the shots, all the kills?”
We just need a little more ammo.
9. The worst way to find out your old unit wasn’t exactly “up-to-regs”:
You know the old unit is hastily burning all the evidence before the MPs show up to ask questions.
10. The 5.56mm flash bulb.
Lighting the way to victory, one trigger pull at a time.
11. Motorpool says it’s user-level maintenance.
It’s not deadlined if the commander says to risk it.
12. Cross the mafia at your own risk.

Even the commanding general knows he can’t win without them.
13. The Army is a 9-5 job that starts at 0300.

The armorer had to be there at 0115.
14. ‘Twas beauty that killed the beast.
No really, she killed him. With a knife hand. Like, she literally chopped him up using the side of her hand. Marines are dangerous.
15. When chief has more years in service than most of the ships:
“You kids today and your fancy, iron hulls.”
See you in 2016!
David Nye - Staff Writer at We Are The Mighty
David is a former Fort Bragg paratrooper who deployed with the 82nd Airborne Division’s 4th Brigade Combat Team.
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