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Star Wars: Debut of the First Order



A new Korean trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakens debuted online this week and it offers our first glimpse of The First Order. Set roughly 30 years after Return of the Jedi, there's no explanation yet as to why the Imperial Army and been rebranded as the First Order.

WWII history buffs will notice that the first shot of the assembled troops (at about 0:02 seconds into the trailer) bears a striking resemblance to Leni Refensthal's propaganda films for the Third Reich in the years leading up to the war.


There's some great TIE fighter battle footage and (maybe) a glimpse of an AT-AT. Everything about the promotion for the new movie suggests that director J.J. Abrams understands exactly why Star Wars means so much to so many people far more than George Lucas ever did. The movie's December release can't come fast enough.

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