
Dwayne Johnson Plans to 'Rock the Troops'



Dwayne Johnson, long a vocal supporter of men and women in uniform, has announced plans to produce "Rock the Troops," a music and entertainment variety program designed to honor and entertain US troops deployed overseas. The special, which will be filmed at a yet-to-be-announced base overseas, is set to air Veterans Day 2015 on the Spike TV network.

Young folks might think this is a great new idea, but old folks will appreciate that someone's finally trying to revive those Bob Hope USO specials we all grew up watching.


Bob's specials ran on NBC back in the day when there were only 3 major networks, so there was always a huge viewership. Spike doesn't have quite that big an audience on cable, but the network's have a surge of popularity with its breakout hit Lip Sync Battle.


We'll have more details about the event once they figure out the time and location of the taping. Johnson made the announcement last Saturday night at a taping for Spike's Guys Choice Awards when he was awarded the Troops' Choice Award. The network will air the taped show on June 18th at 9/8 central.

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