Share Your 'Unbroken' Story



Unbroken, the upcoming movie directed by Angelina Jolie, tells the amazing story of World War II veteran and Olympic athlete Louis Zamperini and his ability to overcome whatever challenges he faced during his amazing life. Zamperini lived a long long and productive life before passing away this past July at age 97. He lived long enough to enjoy the recognition generated by Laura Hillenbrand's bestselling book and was able to work closely with Jolie as she prepared the film.

To honor Zamperini's legacy (and hype the December 25th release of the movie), Universal Pictures has created the #IAmUnbroken website and hashtag to allow others to share their own stories of challenges met and obstacles overcome.


At website, you can experience others' stories or submit your own. Selected stories will be filmed by a professional crew to create a video to be shown on the site and perhaps on NBC's Today show.

Universal has also released a new trailer for the film which you can see below.


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