Sons of Guns, the reality skit show starring Red Jacket Firearms owner Will Hayden, returns to the Discovery channel this Friday for a fifth season. The customs-firearms business is evidently a bit more intimidating than the duck call business for family viewing, but the show is still the second most-popular real-life show set in Louisiana.
Will's also just published a book that's also called Sons of Guns. It's both a memoir that offers up some more details on how he founded Red Jacket and a firearms guidebook where Will offers up thoughts on a wide variety of weapons. There are individual profiles where Will offers his take on the rest of the show's cast and an entertaining and impassioned explanation on just how real he wants to make his own show.
The book is written in short, punchy chapters and it definitely reads the way Will sounds on the show. You won't see Will's face plastered all over greeting cards and cereal boxes the next time you take a trip to Walmart, but you do get the sense that he knows exactly what's going on at work and on his TV show.