
YouTube's Top Prank Videos



Miami Zombie Attack Prank

Here's the facts: the editorial staff here at Under the Radar and at Military.com's widely lauded Off Duty pages is really irritated with Google over the Google Reader shutdown, since it's been the #1 tool we used to scour the Internet for the stories we cover.

So we've ignored all the April Fools pranks from the Google jokesters, including the YouTube shutdown and Google Nose search engine. And then this Miami Zombie Attack prank video showed up. It's the most popular clip from YouTube's #7 Most Popular Prankster channel and it's good enough to post.

Click through for the most popular videos from the other nine channels in the Top Ten Prankster Channels. They're all pretty funny, but they don't begin to make up for the whole Reader thing.

1. Prank vs. Prank (Subscribers: 2,423,212 / Video Views: 373,372,775)


Girlfriend Caught Cheating Prank (13,557,346 views)

2. NQTV/Remi Gaillard (Subscribers: 2,178,725 / Video Views: 1,049,062,168)


Mario Kart (52,214,401 views)

3. Just for Laughs Gags (Subscribers: 2,144,295 / Video Views: 942,023,100)


Sexy Bikini Nun (58,944,333 views)

4. Magic of Rahat (Subscribers:  1,434,376 / Video Views: 152,622,865)


Drive Thru Invisible Prank (31,930,496 views)

5. Improv Everywhere (Subscribers:  1,235,460 / Video Views: 280,683,506)


Frozen Grand Central (32,640,977 views)

6. Roman Atwood Pranks (Subscribers:  909,999 / Video Views: 138,813,025)


Cops Get Owned!!! Epic Pee Prank (12,886,589 views)

7. VitalyzdTv (Subscribers:  771,794 / Video Views: 107,544,636)

See up top for this one.

Miami Zombie Attack Prank (20,716,789 views)

8. Mediocre Films (Subscribers:  721,460 / Video Views: 245,405,687)


Black Friday Shopping Prank (4,704,464 views)

9. Jack Vale Films (Subscribers:  501,942 / Video Views: 116,656,629)


Farting in an Elevator 4 (Views: 2,991,635)

10. LAHWF (Subscribers: 488,313 / Views: 65,487,898)


Holding People’s Hands (6,702,845)

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