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Military Lodging: On Base Lodging Reservations

Crossroads Inn, Quantico, Virginia (Photo: U.S. Marine Corps)
Crossroads Inn, Quantico, Virginia (Photo: U.S. Marine Corps)

Air Force

The toll-free number for Air Force Lodging Reservations is 888-AF-LODGE (888-235-6343). Please note that the toll-free number is valid in CONUS only. For more information see the Air Force Lodging website or our Air Force Lodging information page.


There are almost 22,000 Army lodging units, temporary housing, and guesthouses at 80 locations in the United States, Korea, Japan, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Alaska and Hawaii. All reservations must be made through the Central Reservation Center: 800-GO-ARMY-1 (800-462-7691) (commercial: 256-313-2790, DSN: 897-2790). For more information see the Army Lodging website or our Army Lodging information page.

Marine Corps

Reservations for the Marine Corps transient billeting quarters are accepted on an as-received basis for all authorized patrons. All others will be billeted on a Space Available basis. A list of all of the facilities and reservation information can be found here.

Reservations for Temporary Lodging Facilities are recommended as many Lodging Facilities are booked far in advance. Reservations are accepted for all authorized patrons on an as-received basis. Reservation policies vary among facilities. Check the reservation information for all the facilities on the Temporary Lodging Facility Directory.
For more information see our Marine Corps Lodging Information page.


The toll-free number for the Navy Lodge Central Reservation Center (CRC) is 1-800-NAVY-INN (628-9466). Located at the Jacksonville, FL Naval Air Station, the CRC is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can also order a hard copy of the Navy Lodge Worldwide Directory from this center.
Reservations for Navy Lodging can be made in advance as follows:

  • PCS with family-Anytime
  • Active Duty on TDY orders-Anytime
  • Active Duty leave, TAD, Rest & Relaxation, Widows/widowers/dependents of Active Duty Military Personnel-up to 60 days in advance
  • Single PCS-up to 60 days in advance
  • Retirees, Widows/Widowers/Dependents of Retired Military Personnel, Retired reservists-up to 30 days in advance
  • Foreign Military (on orders)-up to 60 days in advance
  • DoD and DN (on orders), DoD and DN (not on orders, with Navy Exchange privileges), Public Health (on orders) and Red Cross (on orders)-up to 30 days in advance
  • Medical in-patients and family of seriously ill-Anytime
  • Medical out-patients-up to 60 days in advance
  • Reservists-up to 60 days in advance
  • Official guests and visitors of the command-they may stay at Navy Lodges, but must be checked in by their sponsors.
  • Family members and guests of military personnel-they may stay at Navy Lodges provided the military member is present at check-in.

Bachelor Quarters Reservations can be made through BQCRS (Bachelor Quarters Central Reservation System). The SATO toll-free number for making those reservations is 800-576-9327. For more information see our Navy Lodging information page.

Coast Guard

There is no central reservations office for Coast Guard facilities, but you can find contact information for each recreation area in the Coast Guard MWR Recreational Lodging Facilities Guide. When you call, remember the time zone of your destination may be different than your local time. Some Coast Guard facilities allow reservations as early as 3 months in advance, while others can be arranged with as little as 7 days notice. For more information see our Coast Guard Lodging information page.


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