Op-Ed: Send in the Clowns From here, Hagel looks "confused," "uncertain" and "ignorant of reality." And those are among the kindest observations...
Op-Ed: Tyrannical Twins "All this is enough to make a person wonder about the Obama administration's commitment to a so-called Pacific strategy and...
Op-Ed: Sequesters and Stupidity The screeching you hear in Washington is the sound of politicians slamming their mouths into reverse as they back away from...
Op-Ed: Reassuring Words Senator Paul's filibuster failed, but the issues of constitutional protections for American citizens and the limits of...
Op-Ed: OIF Ten Years On Among those watching the president speak that night a decade ago were the first four Americans to die in Operation Iraqi...
Op-Ed: Was it Worth It? It's the question asked by Gold Star families when I meet them at funerals or public events. "Was it worth it?"
Op-Ed: Korean Craziness Official Washington's response to this new round of North Korean saber rattling has exacerbated anxiety in Seoul, Tokyo and U...
Op-Ed: Then and Now Weddings are far more complicated and fraught with peril than going to war with Marines.
Op-Ed: Aftermath In the aftermath of last week’s Boston Marathon terror attack, it is clear that those running our federal government know...
Op-Ed: Cover Up Since 9-11-12, the Benghazi terror attack has been probed by five separate committees of Congress.
The Army Is Losing Nearly One-Quarter of Soldiers in the First 2 Years of Enlistment The Army is grappling with a staggering attrition rate among newly enlisted troops, even as recent recruiting figures suggest...
The Medal of Honor Recipient Erased in the Pentagon's DEI Purge Private 1st Class Harold Gonsalves received the Medal of Honor posthumously for his heroic actions during the Battle of...
Army Pulls Back Household Goods Shipments as Privatized Moving Contract Leads to Widespread Issues A memo from the Army Personal Property Lead Element, dated Feb. 28, told transportation offices to "pull back" some Army...
Pentagon Caps Civilians' Government Charge Cards at $1, Limits Travel as Part of Trump Cuts Amid mass firings, the Pentagon has effectively put a halt on the use of travel and purchasing credit cards by its civilian...
During Deadly Osprey Crash, Marine's Heroism Helped Crew Escape Fiery Wreckage The pilots and crew chief were "calm, cool and collected," Capt. Joshua Watson said, even as the two Ospreys nearly collided...