The Age Ranges for Joining US Military Special Operations Programs You have many options that may or may not require an age waiver. It's time to get to work on that dream job.
Pentagon Watchdog Questions Navy SEAL Training Program's Use of Sleep Deprivation The DoD inspector general report released Thursday found that the Navy "lacks a policy on the intentional use of sleep...
Navy SEAL Commander Who Oversaw Training During Mullen Death Faults Drugs, Not Leadership Unlike most naval officers who find themselves facing the military justice system, Capt. Brad Geary is not staying quiet.
Ask Stew: How to Go from Your Plebe Year at the US Naval Academy to BUD/S Former Navy SEAL Stew Smith answers a question from a newly accepted high school graduate on how to prepare to enter the...
5 Steps to Building Mental Toughness If you want to succeed in getting tactically fit or anything else in life, you need to get comfortable being uncomfortable.
Former SEAL Remi Adeleke Wants the Military to Take More Chances on Inner City Kids Remi Adeleke has an amazing story to share, and the fact that he served as a Navy SEAL is almost incidental to his epic tale.
How to Adjust Your Weekly Running Mileage Before Navy SEAL Training This is the most common question asked by candidates preparing for the high attrition rate school known as Basic Underwater...
An 'Old Guy' Prepares for BUD/S Stew Smith, a Navy SEAL veteran and's tactical fitness expert, gives the lowdown on age limits for applying to...
Special Operations Profile: David Goggins Navy SEAL David Goggins, a triathlete, ultramarathoner and retired Navy SEAL, is often nicknamed "the toughest man alive" or "the world...
Navy SEAL Instructors 'Hunted' Weaker Candidates Amid Poor Medical Care, Drug Use The SEAL training course is rife with overzealous instructors, spotty medical care and students who were so determined to...
Banned Books, School Walkouts, Child Care Shortages: Military Families Confront Pentagon's Shifting Rules At a public school, the protest might have led to a detention and maybe some revoked after-school privileges. But on a...
Air Force, Navy Warn Troops About Political Speech Amid Trump Administration Changes New memos from the Air Force and the Navy warn troops to watch their political speech online and in person, and even...
Jury Acquits Navy Command Master Chief of Sexually Assaulting Teen Girl A six-member jury has acquitted a career Navy man of sexually assaulting a 14-year-old relative during a sleepover at his...
The 5 Most Realistic Army Movies, According to an Army Historian It might surprise some war movie fans to know that at least one Army historian doesn't think there's anything special about...
The Still-Living Janitor Who Received a 'Posthumous' Medal of Honor Army Pvt. William Crawford was declared killed in action and was awarded a posthumous Medal of Honor, which was presented to...