Hear Firsthand Accounts from 'The Six Triple Eight' in a Free Online Documentary Screening The trailblazing soldiers depicted in the Netflix film are featured in a free virtual screening of an informative documentary...
80 Years Later, Audie Murphy's Medal of Honor Action Is Still Like Something Out of a Movie Audie Murphy's one-man fight against the Nazis in Europe might seem like something straight out of a modern action movie, but...
John Wayne's Transformative Visit to US Troops in Vietnam While Wayne traveled to Southeast Asia, anti-war protests, draft-card burnings and marches decrying American troops’...
The Best Rarely Seen War Movies, According to Service Members and Veterans These are the best rarely seen war movies, according to a Military.com survey of U.S. service members and veterans.
The 16 Greatest Quotes from 'Full Metal Jacket' Some movies are more quotable than others, and Stanley Kubrick's classic "Full Metal Jacket" certainly fits that bill.
Aircraft, Flight Jackets and Pins: How Walt Disney's Characters Inspired Troops in WWII During World War II, the company that has grown to become an entertainment, theme-park and merchandising empire today created...
'Helldivers 2' Video Game Is Getting a Movie Adaptation from Sony The third-person shooter burst onto the scene in February 2024, with screenshots of armor-clad shock troops fighting robots...
The Best Military Movies and Shows Streaming Right Now on Amazon Prime Video If you're looking for the best war movies on Amazon's Prime Video service, our list can help you cut through the chaff and...
The Best Military Movies and Shows Streaming Right Now on Paramount+ Paramount+ may not have all our old favorites when it comes to war movies and television shows, but there's no shortage of...
The Best Military Movies and Shows Streaming Right Now on Netflix If you're looking for the best war movies on Netflix, we're here to help you stop the scrolling, move past the algorithm and...
Trailblazing Coast Guard Commandant Fired by Trump Administration Adm. Linda Fagan, the first woman to serve in the Coast Guard's top job, was relieved following the swearing-in ceremony for...
He Met Trump After Being Booted from the Space Force. Then, He Was Tapped to Help Lead the Air Force. The now-president announced on social media that Matthew Lohmeier would become his nominee to be the second-highest civilian...
Mark Milley's Portrait Disappears from Pentagon on Trump's Inauguration Day The portrait of Milley hung in an ornate hallway that is dedicated to the history of the Joint Chiefs and displays 19 other...
Trump's Promises to Radically Change the Military In this episode, we spoke to two experts with collective decades of experience in analyzing the promises President-elect...
Trump Lays Groundwork for Transgender Military Ban During First Day in Office President Trump has rescinded the previous administration's order allowing transgender troops to serve openly and issued his...