
PCS Support Groups

Counseling at a desk.

Relocating to a new duty station or town is physically and emotionally exhausting. But with the help of military groups, you can eventually find the support you need to make friends and adjust to your new home.

The following support groups listed below can help you and your military family through the relocation process:

Relocation Assistance Program (RAP)

RAP assists in-bound and out-bound military members/DoD civilians and their family members with gathering information about their duty assignments (both CONUS and OCONUS). Additionally, for those leaving government services, RAP provides information relevant to the area where they will settle, as well as preparing for the actual move and settling in afterwards. RAP also offers individual relocation counseling and newcomers support material. Information is available at your local Family Support Center.

Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Military Community and Family Policy

This office is directly responsible for programs and policies which establish and support community quality of life programs on military installations for servicemembers and their families worldwide. This office also serves as the focal point for coordination of the broad range of Quality of Life issues within the Department of Defense.

Military Children and Youth

This site, developed by the Military Family Resource Center, provides information on military children and youth issues, programs, and initiatives.

Military Family Resource Center

This site sponsored by the DoD is a resource for military program staff and policy makers. MFRC offers a variety of services that include: information dissemination, research synthesis, online database and resource collection, and written informational products. These services focus on the policy, research and programs pertaining to a wide array of military family support programs and issues.

Military Teens on the Move

This site features a chat room, bulletin board, and other resources and information for military teens around the world to assist them with relocating and other teen issues.

National Military Family Association (NMFA)

The mission of NMFA is to serve the families of the uniformed services through education, information, and advocacy. The Association has been and is dedicated to identifying and resolving issues affecting families of the Uniformed Services through research, education, legislation, and public information.

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