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Moving Furniture and Preparing Appliances for OCONUS Stations

Unloading furniture off a truck

Do you have adapters or power converters? Electrical currents overseas differ from the standard 110 volts, 60 cycle used in the U.S.

Small appliances such as hair dryers, curling irons and coffee makers may be used via a transformer that converts the electrical current. You should consider placing major appliances such as washers, dryers, refrigerators and stoves in storage as they do not work well with transformers and the proper hook ups may not be available.


Most overseas locations have Furnishings Management Offices that will provide major appliances for the duration of your tour. They will also provide loaner furniture until your household goods arrive.

Large pieces of furniture should not be shipped as houses, apartments and rooms overseas are generally smaller than in the U.S.

Check with your sponsor for the availability of major appliances, transformers and furniture.

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