If you've received a new assignment and have decided to leave your personal vehicle (or POV as they say in the military) at home, there's a few insurance options available to you (see this article for more details). But if you're keen on taking your car with you to your new duty station, or bought a POV overseas while stationed there and want to ship it home, get familiar with the rules below -- you may be able to ship your vehicle at no cost to you.
Hot Links:
http://www.whereismypov.com - Official site for checking on the status of your POV during shipment
POV Shipping Checklist and Forms - Our rundown of important details to keep track of during the POV process, and links to important forms.
1. The Rules:
You are eligible to ship a single POV if:
- you are a member of the U.S. armed forces;
- you are a DoD civilian and your orders authorize shipment of your POV; or
- you are a retiree authorized to ship a POV.
The entitlement to ship a single POV is limited to a permanent change of station to, from, or between places overseas; or upon official change in homeport of the vessel to which you are assigned.
Only one POV owned or leased by you or your dependent and for your personal use may be shipped to your new duty station at government expense. If you want to ship an additional POV commercially, you should check with your sponsor and transportation office for any restrictions. You may have to pay an import duty on a second POV.
2. Vehicle Limitations
Only self-propelled, wheeled motor vehicles can be shipped. This includes automobiles, station wagons, jeeps, motorcycles, motor scooters, vans, and pickups. Other passenger-carrying, multipurpose motor vehicles designed for overland ground transportation not specifically listed above may qualify, but may require written certification stating the vehicle is for personal use as a passenger-carrying vehicle. POVs that are modified to be "low riders" must have at least 6 inches of clearance to prevent damage to POV during car carrier load/download. Also, POVs may not have a lift kit higher than 3 inches.
Note: Host-country restrictions may apply; see your transportation office for details.
You can ship a POV up to 20 measurement tons (exceptions could be granted for medical reasons). A measurement ton equals 40 cubic feet. Just for reference, a compact car averages about nine measurement tons and a full size car, about 15. If you ship a pickup truck with a camper, a recreational vehicle, a panel truck converted to a camper, or similar vehicle that exceeds 20 measurement tons, you'll be liable for extra transportation costs.
Tip: Exterior dimensions are included in the size of a vehicle, so remove truck mirrors and other attachments that extend from the vehicle to help cut down on the vehicle's size.
3. Insurance and Licensing
Returning to the United States: In some U.S. states, armed forces or host-nation vehicle registrations, license plates, and licenses either are not valid or are valid for only a very short time. Arrange to obtain these items prior to taking delivery of your POV. Most state motor vehicle divisions will accept registrations of POVs by mail.
If you are returning from overseas, make arrangements before leaving your old duty station for the continental United States. You should insure your POV before taking delivery. Coverage must meet minimum requirements prescribed by the state where your next duty station is located. Prior arrangements may save you money, as you will be able to compare prices offered by various insurance companies.
Shipping Overseas: Insurance, taxes, and licensing vary from country to country overseas. The best sources of information are your local transportation office and your overseas sponsor. Remember, you're responsible for obtaining insurance and licenses and paying any taxes. Be sure to check on these items well in advance of making your shipment. Insurance is often much more expensive overseas, so be sure to do your research before making your shipment.
4. When to Ship Your POV
Army and Air Force personnel:
- POVs will be accepted for shipment if delivered to the port within 90 days after the member or dependent has departed for an overseas tour of more than one year, or within 30 days after the departure of the member on an overseas tour of duty of one year or less.
- When delivery to the port is delayed beyond 90 days, the POV may be shipped only with the approval of the overseas commander. For overseas tours of more than one year, you must have a minimum of one year to serve on the current overseas tour when the POV is delivered to the port.
For Navy/Marine Corps personnel:
- POVs will be accepted when at least 12 months remain to be served at the servicemember's current overseas duty station at the time the vehicle is delivered to the loading port. An exception is allowed if the overseas area commander or your commanding officer certifies the vehicle is necessary in performance of official duties.
5. What You Can and Can't Ship in Your POV
Only authorized personal articles can remain in your POV when it is turned in for processing. All household items and camping equipment must be removed.
What you can ship in your POV:
- Tools under $200 in total value
- Items such as jacks tire irons, tire chains, fire extinguishers, nonflammable tire inflators, first aid kits, jumper cables, and warning triangle/trouble lights
- One spare tire and two snow tires with wheels (either mounted or unmounted)
- Portable cribs, children’s car seats, and strollers
- Luggage racks and supports
- Small items such as thermos bottles, bottle warmers, and car cushions if they can be packed entirely within one carton provided by the Vehicle Processing Center (VPC). If your POV is going to be containerized at the port, these articles can be placed in the trunk without a carton
- Factory or non-factory stereo, speakers and audio/video equipment in POV or trunk must be bolted down or permanently fixed as part of the POV
What you can't ship in your POV:
- TVs, VCRs and DVD players, except factory or permanently installed
- Accessories not permanently installed
- Flammable or hazardous substances such as waxes, oils, paints, solvents, or polishes
- Any liquids (i.e., antifreeze or air fresheners) that may be spilled and leave stains
- Any pressurized cans
- Citizen Band (CB) radios -- importation and operation of CB radios are prohibited in most overseas areas
Failure to comply with these restrictions may result in your POV being held at the port of discharge until such equipment has been removed and shipped out of the country. All costs associated with removing your CB radio from your POV and shipping will be at your expense.
For more details and to get your shipment process started, contact your nearest Vehicle Processing Station:
CONUS Vehicle Processing Centers
VPC Operating Hours For POV processing are 0800-1600, Monday-Friday, except federal holidays. Members are encouraged to arrive at the VPC by 1530 hrs to insure processing is completed
on time.
Atlanta, GA VPC
2579 Campbell Boulevard
Ellenwood, GA 30294
Telephone number: 404 363 4449/3753
Fax number: 404 363 1858
Toll-free number: 800 965 9155
Baltimore, MD VPC
2501 Broening Highway
Baltimore, MD 21224
Telephone number: 410 631 5751
Fax number: 410 631 5756
Toll-free number: 800 631 5751
Charleston, SC VPC
1510 Meeting Street Road
Charleston, SC 29405 (Updated 4/04/07)
Telephone number: 843 805 6667 (Same #)
Fax number: 843 805 6671 (Same #)
Toll-free number: 800 747 9223 (Same #)
Dallas, TX VPC
500 North Stemmons Freeway
Lake Dallas, TX 75065
Telephone number: 940 497 1036
Fax number: 940 497 1076
Toll-free number: 866 438 2046
Los Angeles, CA VPC
23803 South Wilmington Avenue
Carson, CA 90745
Telephone number: 310 549-8277
Fax number: 310 549 7438
Toll-free number: 800 887 3344
260 Meadow Road
Edison, NJ 08817
Telephone number: 732-339-0591
Fax number: 732-339-0595
Toll-free number: 877 269 3702
("877" is toll-free)
New Orleans, LA VPC
5481 Crowder Boulevard
New Orleans, LA 70127
Telephone number: 504 246 2102/0770
Fax number: 504 246 2111
Toll-free number: 800 721 9632
Portsmouth, VA VPC
3015 Airline Boulevard
Portsmouth, VA 23701
Telephone number: 757 465 4127
Fax number: 757 465 3970
Toll-free number: 800 810 7480
Richmond, CA VPC
1200 Wright Avenue
Richmond, CA 94804
Telephone number: 510 231 6831
Fax number: 510 237 4046
Toll-free number: 800 704 2444
Orlando, FL VPC
1934 McCoy Road
Orlando, FL 32822
Telephone number: 407 854 8771/8772
Fax number: 407 854 8774
Toll-free number: 800 758 5998
San Diego VPC
4334 Sheridan Lane
San Diego, CA 92120 (Updated 4/04/07)
Tel: 619 5636321
Fax number: 619 5636320
Toll-free number: 8773448972
Seattle, WA VPC
2302 Ross Way
Tacoma, WA 98421
Telephone number: 253 272 1712
Fax number: 253 272 2375
Toll-free number: 800 597 1833
St. Louis, MO VPC
4236 Crescent Industrial Drive
Pontoon Beach, IL 62040
Tel # 618 931 2888
Fax number: 618 931 2892
Toll-free number: 800 275 3706
OCONUS Vehicle Processing Centers
OCONUS VPC operating hours are Monday-Friday, excluding all federal, local and host nation holidays. Members are encouraged to arrive at the VPC by 1530 to insure processing is completed on time. Hours of operation are as follows:
BENELUX (Chievres, Belgium/Schinnen, Netherlands) 0800-1630
ENGLAND 0800-1630
GERMANY 0800-1700
GUAM 0800-1600
HAWAII 0800-1500 (For POV Processing)
ALASKA 0800-1700
ITALY 0830-1630
PUERTO RICO 0800-1600
SOUTH KOREA 0800-1700
TURKEY. 0830-1630
SPAIN 0900-1300, 1300-1400, 1400-1700
Transcar POV Shipping
Chievres, Belgium VPC
Chievres Air Base
Building 46
Telephone number: 32(0) 68665999
Fax number: 32(0) 68665948
800 number: 00 800 87267227
Schinnen, Netherlands VPC
Transcar POV Shipping
Borgerweg 10
Building 27, Room 11
6365 CW-Schinnen, NL
Telephone number: 31(0) 464432851
Fax number: 31(0) 464432735
800 number: 00 800 87267227
Lakenheath/Mildenhall VPC
London Road Industrial Estate
40 Wimbledon Avenue
Brandon, Suffolk IP27, 0NZ
Telephone number: 44(0) 1842813999
Fax number: 44(0) 1842812981
800 number: 00 800 87267227
Quality of Life VPC
RAF Fairford
Telephone number: See Brandon VPC
Quality of Life VPC
Menwith Hill Station
Harrogate, Yorkshire
Telephone number: 44 (0)1423 777887
Quality of Life VPC
Joint Maritime Force
Raf JMF ST. Mawgan
Newquay, Cornwall
Telephone number: 44 (0) 1637 853502
London VPC
RAF Fairford
For appointment: Contact Brandon VPC
Baumholder VPC
Gebaeude 8716, Raum 1-3
Smith Barracks
Am Bahnof / Building 8716
55774 Baumholder, Germany
Telephone number: 49 6783 2455
Fax number: 49 6783 3377
800 number: 00 800 87267227
Boeblingen VPC
Transcar POV Shipping
Panzer Kaserne
Building 2931
71032 Boeblingen, Germany
Telephone number: 49 7031 4
Fax number: 49 7031 413408
DSN# 431-2617
Grafenwoehr VPC
U.S. Grafenwoehr Base
Saratoga Avenue / Building 515
92655 Grafenwoehr, Germany
Telephone number: 49 9641 8480
Fax number: 49 9641 3597
800 number: 00 800 87267227
Kaiserslautern VPC
Kapaun Air Station
Building 2806
67661 Kaiserslautern, Germany
Telephone number: 49 631 98517
Fax number: 49 631 98518
800 number: 00 800 87267227
Mannheim VPC
Taylor Barracks
Building 348
68309 Mannheim, Germany
Telephone number: 49 621 7140511
Fax number: 49 621 7140711
800 number: 00 800 87267227
Schweinfurt VPC
Conn Barracks
Custer Street / Building 35
97421 Schweinfurt, Germany
Telephone number: 49 9721 803618
Fax number: 49 6721 85224
800 number: 00 800 87267227
Spangdahlem VPC
Spangdahlem Air Base
Building 193A
54529 Spangdahlem, Germany
Telephone number: 49 6565 4484
Fax number: 49 6565 4469
800 number: 00 800 87267227
Wiesbaden VPC
Transcar POV Shipping
Mainz Kastel Housing Area
Building 7513
55252 Mainz Kastel, Germany
Telephone number: 49 6134 69303
Fax number: 49 6134 63579
800 number: 00 800 87267227
Guam VPC
Building 3179
Santa Rita, Guam 96915
Telephone number: 671 339 2205
Fax number: 671 564 2105
800 number: 877 716 7702
Honolulu VPC
Matson-Honolulu Terminal
Sand Island Parkway
Pier 51-B
Honolulu, HI 96820
Telephone number: 808 848 8383
Fax number: 808 853 2116
800 number: 800 896 7745
Anchorage VPC
2945 Mountain View Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99501
Fairbanks VPC
904 Aurora Drive
Fairbanks, Alaska 99701
Toll-free number: 1-866-848-7276
Telephone number: 907-297-1133
Fax number: 907-297-1198
Toll-free number: 1-866-848-7277
Telephone number: 907-451-1753
Fax number: 907-451-1826
Aviano VPC
Transcar POV Shipping
Via Monte 20
Zona Industrial Area
33081 Aviano, Italy
Telephone number: 39(0) 434661419
Fax number: 39(0) 434661420
800 number: 800 053388 (in Italy)
Sigonella VPC
Transcar POV Shipping
c/o Base Navale USA / NAS II
Strada Statale 417 Catania - Gela
95030 Piano d' Arci /Sigonella (CT)
Tel # 0039-095-86-5529
Fax number: 0039- 434-661875
800 number: 800-053733
DSN# 624-5529
Livorno VPC
Transcar POV Shipping
Leghorn Army Depot
Camp Darby
Gate 27, Building 5130
SS 1 Aurelia
56018 Tirrenia/Pisa, Italy
Telephone number: 39(0) 50579920
Fax number: 39(0) 5037649
DSN 633-7059
Naples VPC
Vehicle Processing Center
c/o Naval Support Activity
Building 2081 Contrada Boscariello
81030 Gricignano di Aversa (CE)
Telephone number: 39-081-811-6521/6522
Fax number: 39-081-811-6526
DSN 625-4252
Vicenza VPC
Transcar POV Shipping
Via Strada Della Pelosa Building 970
Torri di Quartesolo
36040 Vicenza, Italy
Telephone number: 39(0) 44431898
Fax number: 39(0) 444263168
DSN 634-7760
Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico VPC
Avenida J. F. Kennedy, Km 2.5
San Juan, Puerto Rico 00920
Telephone number: 787 792 1233
Fax number: 787 781 0688
800 number: 888 872 6064
South Korea
Pusan VPC
Contact Seoul or Taegu VPC
Seoul VPC
Building C5721-A
34th Support Group, Yongson TMP
Seoul, Korea
Telephone number: 82 2 7916 7086 or 7088
DSN 736 7086 or 7088
Fax number: 82 2 7916 7091
DSN 736 7091
Taegu VPC
20th Support Group
Building 1415
Camp Henry, Korea
Telephone number: 82 53 470 8112
Fax number: 82 53 470 8113
Incirlik VPC
Yenimahalle 33 Sokak #31
TR-031340 Adana
Telephone number: 0090-322-332-7211
Fax number: 0090 322 332 8921 or 7857
DSN# 679-9964
800 number: 0800- 521-1043
Izmir VPC
Caddesi # 15/1
TR-35040 Borniva
Telephone number: 0090-232-478-2856
Fax number: 0090 232-478-2859
800 number: 0800-479-7644
Rota VPC
Transportes Internacionales Ferris, S.A.
Avenida Crucero Baleares, #18
11520 Rota (Cadiz), Spain
Telephone number: 0034-956 -811044 / 0034
956 840185
Fax number: 0034 956-815077
800 number: 0034-900-214304