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SGLI for Reservists

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Are you covered by Servicemembers Group Life Insurance? Full-time SGLI coverage means that as long as you are eligible and paying premiums, you continue to be covered by SGLI at all times.

Full-time SGLI coverage is provided for the following members of the uniformed services while performing full-time active duty or active duty for training, under calls or orders that do not specify periods of less than 31 days:

  • Commissioned, warrant and enlisted members of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps and Coast Guard and commissioned members of the NOAA and PHS.
  • Members of the Ready Reserve/Guard of a uniformed service who are assigned to a unit or position in which they may be required to perform active duty or active duty for training and each year will be scheduled to perform at least 12 periods of inactive duty training that is creditable for retirement purposes under title 10, United States Code.
  • Members of the Individual Ready Reserve (IRR) who volunteer for assignment to a "mobilization" category under section 12304 (i)(1) of title 10, United States Code.

Part-time coverage means that your SGLI life insurance is only applicable in specific situations while you are activated.

Part-time coverage is provided to the following eligible members of the Reserves who do not qualify for full-time coverage while performing active duty or active duty for training under calls or orders specifying periods of less than 31 days:

  • Commissioned, warrant and enlisted members of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps and Coast Guard Reserves (except temporary members of the Coast Guard Reserve).
  • Members of the Individual Ready Reserve (IRR) during one-day call-ups.
  • Reserve Corps of the PHS.
  • The Army National Guard and Air National Guard while performing duty under 32 U.S.C. 316, 502, 503, 504, or 505; and (5) Members, cadets and midshipmen of the ROTC, while attending field training or practice cruises.

Traumatic Injury Protection

  • Automatically provided for all service members carrying any amount of SGLI for $1 per month.

This is not life insurance, it is disability compensation for serious injury and loss of limbs. Compensation amounts are up to $100,000.

How Much Does SGLI Cost?

SGLI also includes Traumatic Injury Protection (TSGLI). This coverage provides protection against loss due to traumatic injuries and is designed to provide financial assistance to members so their loved ones can be with them during their recovery from their injuries. 

SGLI members can take up to $400,000 of coverage, in increments of $50,000 regardless of age. SGLI costs 6 cents per $1,000 of coverage. All SGLI participants must pay a $1 monthly charge for TSGLI, this brings the monthly premium to $25 for $400,000 worth of coverage.

What Happens to SGLI Benefits When Leaving The Service?

service members about to leave active duty have the option of replacing SGLI with Veterans Group Life Insurance (VGLI). Points to consider in making this decision include:

  • VGLI does not require proof of medical insurability, so service members who have any health situation that could result in denial by other insurers need to be sure of their insurability before declining VGLI. Retention on active duty with the uninformed services does not necessarily mean a service member is medically insurable.
  • VGLI coverage is limited to the maximum of SGLI coverage held at release from active duty. In many cases, this is not enough insurance to replace the significant survivors' benefit package which will terminate upon leaving the service. In many cases the amount of VGLI available is not enough to replace the survivor benefits package which will terminate upon leaving the service.
  • Determine your individual needs. Use our life insurance calculator to help you determine what you need.

SGLI and VGLI May Not Be Enough

SGLI and VGLI may not be enough to cover your family's needs. Explore life insurance options with our free tool that compares rates and matches you to the coverage your family needs.

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