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Weight Requirements for Joining the Military

Warrior League Course weigh-in Kuwait
A Third Army soldier is weighed during her arrival at the Warrior Leader Course at Camp Buehring, Kuwait, Feb. 12, 2012. (Cpl. Christopher Calvert/13th Public Affairs Detachment)

Each service has its own height and weight requirements for recruits. Follow the links below to find out each service's height and weight standards. These rules are subject to change and sometimes waivers are available, but if you want to join the military, it is a good idea to be within these parameters long before you make the move.

If you need to get in better shape, check out the Fitness Center.

Height & Weight Requirements: Air Force

Height & Weight Requirements: Army and Army National Guard

Height & Weight Requirements: Coast Guard

Height & Weight Requirements: Marine Corps

Height & Weight Requirements: Navy

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