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US Army Enlistment Weight Requirements

Cross Fit competition Camp Buehring Kuwait
Staff Sgt. Anthony Vasquez completes a stroke toward 500 meters on a rowing machine during a Cross Fit competition on Camp Buehring, Kuwait, Nov. 29, 2013. (Staff Sgt. Andrew Porch/U.S. Army)

Below is the Army's weight minimum and maximum allowable for recruits to enlist. It is broken down by height and then further into age groups.

Height will be measured in stocking feet on a flat surface with the chin parallel to the floor. The body should be straight but not rigid, similar to the position of attention.

The measurement will be rounded to the nearest inch with the following guidelines: if the height fraction is less than a half-inch, round down. If the height fraction is a half-inch or greater, round up.

Weight will be measured and recorded to the nearest pound. Height and weight will be taken officially at the Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS).

It is very important to be over your minimum or under your maximum. Not meeting either one probably will stop you from enlisting or, even worse, prevent you from going to basic training.



In Inches

Minimum Weight Age 17-20

Maximum Weight

Age 21-27

Maximum Weight

Age 28-39

Maximum Weight

Age 40+

Maximum Weight

58 91        
59 94        
60 97 139 141 143 146
61 100 144 146 148 151
62 104 148 150 153 156
63 107 153 145 158 161
64 110 158 160 163 166
65 114 163 165 168 171
66 117 168 170 173 177
67 121 174 176 179 182
68 125 179 181 184 187
69 128 184 186 189 193
70 132 189 192 195 199
71 136 194 197 201 204
72 140 200 203 206 210
73 144 205 208 212 216
74 148 211 214 218 222
75 152 217 220 224 228
76 156 223 226 230 234
77 160 229 232 236 240
78 164 235 238 242 247
79 168 241 244 248 253
80 173 247 250 255 259



In Inches

Minimum Weight Age 17-20

Maximum Weight

Age 21-27

Maximum Weight

Age 28-39

Maximum Weight

Age 40+

Maximum Weight

58 91 122 124 126 127
59 94 127 128 130 131
60 97 132 134 135 136
61 100 136 137 139 141
62 104 140 141 144 145
63 107 145 147 148 149
64 110 149 151 153 154
65 114 154 156 158 160
66 117 160 160 162 165
67 121 163 166 168 169
68 125 168 171 173 174
69 128 173 176 178 180
70 132 178 181 183 185
71 136 183 186 188 191
72 140 189 191 194 196
73 144 194 196 200 202
74 148 199 203 204 206
75 152 205 208 210 212
76 156 210 213 215 216
77 160 216 219 221 223
78 164 222 224 227 229
79 168 227 230 234 236
80 173 233 236 240 241

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