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Presidio of Monterey Army Base Guide

The Presidio of Monterey's Salute to the Nation featured an artillery (blank) round being fired as each state's name and its date of statehood was read.
PRESIDIO OF MONTEREY, Calif. -- The Presidio of Monterey's Salute to the Nation featured an artillery (blank) round being fired as each state's name and its date of statehood was read. Firing the cannons were U.S. Army Reserve Soldiers of the 84th Training Command, Pacific Division, stationed at Camp Parks, California.


The Presidio of Monterey is located in Monterey County in the city of Monterey, California, on the Pacific coast approximately 120 miles south of San Francisco.

The installation is located approximately 8 miles from the Ord Military Community, where the majority of students and permanent party military personnel live in military housing on a portion of the former Fort Ord.

The Monterey Peninsula is favored by nature and has a rich history, and few spots anywhere can match its year round moderate climate and its rugged coastline.