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Moron Air Base Guide

152nd Civil Engineer Squadron members pose for a group photo during Deployment For Training at Moron Air Base, Spain June 29, 2023.
152nd Civil Engineer Squadron members pose for a group photo during Deployment For Training at Moron Air Base, Spain June 29, 2023. The Deployment For Training program provides valuable training opportunities for CE Airmen not normally available in their home station, resulting in expanded skillsets, increased readiness, and a more versatile force (U.S. Air National Guard photo by Chief Master Sgt. Matt Chapman).


Our mission is to provide expeditionary combat support while assuring the finest quality of life for Team Morón and transiting forces.

Our objectives are to provide an expandable forward operating base to support transient/bed-down of aircraft operations; to provide the staging of aircraft and personnel in support of US and NATO plans, exercises and contingency operations; and to provide Base Operating Support to tenant units.