
Little Rock AFB Base Guide

U.S. Air Force service members walk out to their Aircraft for a routine deployment to Southeast Asia April 5, 2016, from Little Rock Air Force Base, Arkanas.
U.S. Air Force service members walk out to their Aircraft for a routine deployment to Southeast Asia April 5, 2016, from Little Rock Air Force Base, Ark. Airmen of the 61st Airlift Squadron, 19th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron and 19th Maintenance Squadron along with a fleet C-130J’s left to support allied forces in the region. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Jeremy McGuffin)


Little Rock Air Force Base, Arkansas consists of more than 6,000 acres and one runway.It is located next to the city of Jacksonville in central Arkansas. Jacksonville has a population of approximately 30,000 people. It is 15 miles north of Little Rock.

Little Rock Air Force Base is the home of the 19th Airlift Wing. Two tenant units, the 314th Airlift Wing and the 189th Airlift Wing (Arkansas Air National Guard) report to Air Education and Training Command. A third tenant unit, the U.S. Air Mobility Weapons School reports to Air Combat Command.

The combined efforts of these units allows Team Little Rock to deploy and train the world's best C-130 Combat Airlifters.