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Fort Buchanan Army Base Guide

The Puerto Rico National Guard joins suicide prevention efforts with US Garrison, Fort Buchanan and 1st Mission Support Command in a ceremony that took place at the Soldiers Plaza in Fort Buchanan, Puerto Rico, as part of the First Suicide Awareness & Prevention Month Campaign events, Sept. 7.
The Puerto Rico National Guard joins suicide prevention efforts with US Garrison, Fort Buchanan and 1st Mission Support Command in a ceremony that took place at the Soldiers Plaza in Fort Buchanan, Puerto Rico, as part of the First Suicide Awareness & Prevention Month Campaign events, Sept. 7. The Assistant Adjutant General of Puerto Rico, Brig. Gen. Narciso Cruz, was present to sign the day’s proclamation along with Col. Guy D. Bass, Fort Buchanan Garrison Commander and Col. Jorge Marrero, Commander of the 210th RSG. The proclamation designates September 2018 as the First Joint Suicide Awareness and Prevention Campaign month by the commanders of the Army components in Puerto Rico. The Suicide Prevention Managers of the three components lead the ceremony as all present put their mark on the Tree of Life as part of the event and in support of the Suicide Prevention Campaign. (Photo by 1st Sgt. Waldemar Rivera)


Fort Buchanan, the only active Army installation on Puerto Rico and in the Greater Antilles, was named after BG James A. Buchanan, the first commander of the Puerto Rican Regiment/1st U.S. Volunteers that was formed by Theodore Roosevelt during the Spanish-American War.

Puerto Rico boasts fabulous ocean views, tropical weather, and lush green mountains. The island is approximately 100 miles by 35 miles and similar in size to Connecticut.