Let's take some questions and watch some CSS critiques!
Jeff Nichols CSCS and Stew Smith CSCS discuss in detail the four steps of preparation for any spec ops program.
Jason McCarthy of and Stew Smith discuss his journey to, through, and after Army Special Forces and being an
In the end, it comes down to YOU to be a better recruit.
Preparing for the FBI / DEA Fitness Test requires effort and practice.
Jeff Nichols and Stew Smith talk Army today as we discuss the preparation needed to get to and through Army
Which is right for you? The masses or the individual. It depends on many variables such as time training, goals
Meet former Navy SEAL John B. Allen and hear his unique story of failure, never quitting, learning and success.
Many teens seeking to serve in officer training programs such as the service academies will be required to take and
Stew Smith and Jeff Nichols discuss some objective grading criteria each use to assess a candidates progress along the journey