
Sample Resume for a Military-to-Civilian Transition

What you write down on your resume may not be enough to help you land a job.
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To be a successful job candidate in any field, it helps to have a comprehensive resume.

View our sample resume for a Marine seeking a civilian job in law enforcement, and get a downloadable Word version of the resume template here.

Related: Does your resume pass the 6-second test? Get a FREE assessment.


17 N. Ridgeview, Apt. #472
Sometown, CA 90000
(555) 555-5555

Profile Decorated police officer transitioning from the U.S. Marine Corps Military Police (MP) to civilian law enforcement -- tour of duty ends December 2009. Highly motivated to leverage five years of achievements during MP career to provide dedicated service for a city or county police department. Qualifications include a pending BA in criminal justice (currently completing final semester); comprehensive field training; and extensive experience in safety patrol, security details, undercover investigations and public-service activities.

Key Skills
  • Law enforcement and public safety
  • Emergency planning and response
  • Security/surveillance operations
  • Criminal investigations
  • Crime prevention
  • Traffic patrol
  • Evidence collection
  • Defensive tactics
  • Counterterrorism strategies
  • Firearms safety and handling
  • Interviews and interrogations
  • Crime scene management

Experience U.S. MARINE CORPS -- Current Assignment: Camp Pendleton / Previous Deployment: Iraq
Military Police Officer, 12/04 to Present
Awarded MP position at the culmination of 12-week basic training and an additional 12 weeks of intensive, specialized MP training. Currently serve as a military police officer protecting lives and property, patrolling military base and preserving law and order at Camp Pendleton USMC Base. Previously supported battlefield operations and provided area/convoy security during overseas assignment in Iraq (Operation Iraqi Freedom).
Key Results
  • Earned consistent commendations for devotion to duty with citations for excellence in rapidly resolving crisis situations, upholding law and order, relating effectively with culturally diverse populations and protecting property and lives.
  • Fulfilled a range of MP duties for both combat and peacekeeping missions. Gained proficiencies and experience in: traffic accident first-responder/investigations, police patrol, ticket/report writing, felony traffic stops, search and seizures, criminal investigations and suspect interviewing/fingerprinting/processing.
  • Selected for elite security details providing dignitary protection for visiting generals, members of Congress and other high-ranking officials.
  • Infiltrated illegal drug ring operating on base and participated in undercover surveillance and "sting" operation leading to the arrest, prosecution and incarceration of guilty parties.

& Awards
  • Honored with three USMC Commendation Medals for heroic/life-saving acts of bravery (2005/2007), Good Conduct Medal (2009) and Combat Action Badge (2007).
  • Earned Expert Marksman Awards in both small arms and assault weapons.
  • Graduated #3 in MP class, earning honors in marksmanship, mastery of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), patrol procedures and physical fitness.

& Credentials
BA in Criminal Justice Candidate -- Degree Expected: 12/09 / Current GPA: 3.7

High School Diploma, 6/04
& Clearances:
  • Certified in first aid/CPR, traffic accident investigations, preliminary breath test (PBT) and Intoxilyzar 5000, and handcuffing/flexi-cuff procedures
  • Weapons certifications: MP 9mm pistol, M4 carbine, 12-gauge shotgun, Taser X26/M26
  • Secret Security Clearance
MP Training
  • Security Police Tactics
  • Criminal Investigations
  • Situational Training
  • Weapons Handling
  • Levels of Force
  • Civil Disturbance
  • Urban Area Force Protection
  • Personal Security Detail
  • Conflict Management

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