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Why You May Be 'in the Network' Without Knowing It

A talent acquisition business partner for Caliber Collision explains how he works with transitioning service members during a Transition Assistance Program opportunity at Fort Carson, Colorado.
Peter Mahmood, a talent acquisition business partner for Caliber Collision, explains how he works with transitioning service members interested in the 18-week training in auto body collision repair class, which is part of the Career Skills Program in the Soldier for Life-Transition Assistance Program at Fort Carson, Colorado, Aug. 20, 2019. (Photo by Eric E. Parris)

I recently attended a Transition Assistance Program (TAP) for senior-level Marine officers. I was there at the request of the people delivering the program because of my perspective on the workplace and my understanding of the military (pretty much the same reasons I write for

It turned out that I had deployed and worked closely with three colonels at the event. I had also deployed with the brigadier general who was hosting. Of course, it was like Old Home Week as we caught up with one another.

Although I have mentioned this before, it bears repeating based on my conversations at the seminar: At first glance, I would not be considered in the network of these four guys. After all, we hadn't seen each other in more than a decade.

It would be easy for them to rule me out -- and that is an area where we all make mistakes when networking. They are not in a position to rule anyone out -- nor am I. It may turn out that I cannot help any of them today, but I have insights and experience, and I very well may have connections I can introduce them to.

What is certain is that nothing happens unless they consider me part of their network. This is a lesson we all need to remember.

Also interesting is how hard it is for members of the armed services to talk without using acronyms. Sure, most people in that room knew what they were saying, but not everyone did. This is another big mistake that transitioning veterans make. We must explain what we did in terms the person to whom we are talking can understand. It takes a bit of practice, but it is definitely doable.

Finally, most of these Marines were one year out from their end of service. That's smart timing. Today, it can take that long for highly qualified people to get work. I know a number of folks who were in the job search for that long.

They are top performers, but things take time in this economy. Keep that in mind as you think about looking elsewhere. Employers are uncertain about the economy and about legislation that will affect the bottom line.

It was great to see my old friends. I hope I was able to give them -- and you -- some valuable insight during the transition to the civilian sector.

Wally Adamchik, a nationally respected expert on leadership and personal excellence, is the president of FireStarter Speaking and Consulting, which helps organizations across North America improve their leadership abilities. He was a Marine Corps officer for 10 years, traveling to six continents while on active duty. Adamchik is the author of "No Yelling: The Nine Secrets of Marine Corps Leadership You Must Know to Win in Business."

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