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10 Ways Service Members Learn to Lead by Example

Your military experience teaches you how to display leadership by example.
Your military experience teaches you how to display leadership by example. (Adobe stock image)

I remember when I was just into Iraq, and we were ferociously planning for follow-on missions and responding to crisis events. The building that we were in was looted, wires handing out and undergoing intense, ad hoc repairs by a group of dedicated engineers in the Baghdad summer heat.

We were also busy sandbagging and helping our security unit. About 10 hours into a 20-hour day, the brigade sergeant major stopped in to check on us. Did we have enough water? Was their sufficient communication with our higher headquarters? How could he help us plan to ensure the commander was receiving the best mission plans?

I was deeply impressed by the sergeant major’s leadership by example and his personal conviction. The sergeant major was an unparalleled professional that he even felt that taking care of and checking on a group of staff officers was part of his job. Leadership by example was his way to demonstrate to us how we needed to care for the people in our unit.

When I returned to the workplace after my Iraq deployment, leadership by example appeared to be a vital necessity to engage people in the workplace for reasons of personal development, product quality, customer service, productivity and employee morale. However, leadership by example was sorely lacking in a great many instances.

We have all seen in the “Business” section of the local paper the personal excesses of executives at Enron, Tyco, Adelphia Communications and countless others, where the individual was also placed before the good of others and the good of the organization. When employees and the organization come second, there is nothing good on the horizon.

Related: Unleash your career potential and get customized job recommendations based on your military experience and personality traits.

The real lesson is that veterans can make a decisive, immediate and lasting impact on their workplaces when they use leadership by example. This can be done whether a person is an executive, manager or a fellow worker.

Leadership by example is a key component that makes individuals and organizations into teams. Additionally, leadership by example is a great way to lead both up and lead down, because it sets a great example for other business executives and other employees that may never have had a military experience.

We all remember a time when we were standing watch or pulling security when a senior leader came by to take a part of our shift so we could get some coffee, a dry pair of socks or just get out of the rain for a few minutes. Just a small example of how a person should act can inspire everyone in an organization to greater efforts.

Here are 10 examples of how military veterans can employ leadership by example in their civilian workplaces to improve productivity, employee engagement and employee morale:

1. Leadership by Example Is Action Focused.

Leadership by example is not an email. Leadership by example involves getting up, going to, seeing, doing, talking and improving. Leadership by example sets a positive standard of behavior and sets an example for others to follow how to improve the organization.

2. Leadership by Example Reinforces the Purpose of the Organization.

The purpose of the business organization is to solve an underlying customer need in a way that values that customer. Apple produces, displays and designs superior consumer electronic items focused on a rich and connected multimedia experience. Apple knows that quality, customer service, design and rich content are its marketplace keys to success.

As you lead by example, ensure that your actions reinforce, support and develop the reasons that customers use your company’s products and services.

3. Workplace Arrival and Departure

The time that you arrive and depart sets the example for everyone else. How do you consistently treat employees who have sick kids, doctor’s appointments or have to leave for a school event? 

These daily interruptions seem like small items, but employers that are flexible, understanding and have very high expectations for business quality and standards are the reasons that employees stay or leave organizations. What you do and when you do is watched positively or negatively for all.

4. Walk Around

Walking around and briefly talking to employees and fellow employees about what they are working on, any problems encountered and what they need to have to be successful is a great, quick way to learn and demonstrate that you care. Taking too much of people’s time and failing to follow up on responses will peg you as a possible micromanager and insincere.

5. Spot Coaching for Employee Development

When you are walking around, spot coaching in 10- to 15-minute segments is a great way to develop employees, train a skill set and identify training needs of both individuals and your group. Again, follow-up training resources and plans are essential to establish yourself as a sincere leader.

6. Use of Specific Compliments and Highlight Others Success

Another great way to lead is to identify specific business projects, reports or customer interactions that one employee has done that sets a positive example for the entire group. A specific compliment helps other employees and management see a creative and new way to solve a problem.

7. Be Open to Recommendations for Change.

Leadership by example is also being open to other’s ideas how to improve and change the organization. Leading means an open, positive attitude to change and helping guide others how to make, implement and enforce positive change that makes the organization better.

8. Open Communication

Open, frequent and honest communication is vital to success. Open communication is telling employees the who, what, when, why, where and how of the organization's plans, operations and problems. This communication is vital to ensure that everyone understands the importance of what they are doing, as well as their vital importance to the organization’s success.

9. Your Personal Dress and Development

Maintaining a professional appearance, ongoing professional development, a healthy lifestyle, and exercise are vital to show that you are prepared for present and future challenges.

10. The After Action Review or Debrief

Leaders and employees seek to understand and learn from mistakes. The After Action Review and Debrief process used across all services is a simple and vital quality tool to make sure an organization understands what happened, captures lessons and implements changes to help ensure a subsequent business event is a success. Failure and learning is not a problem, but repeated failure for the same underlying reasons has no excuse.

These 10 are only a start of how leadership by example can be employed immediately, simply and successfully in the workplace. Military veterans make companies and organizations better when they translate their military experience to meet the needs of their companies. Use your military experience to make your organization better.

To apply for jobs that match your skills, visit the Military Skills Translator. For the latest veteran jobs postings around the country, visit the Job Search section.

Chad Storlie is a U.S. Army Reserve Special Forces officer with more than 20 years of service in infantry, special forces and joint headquarters units. He is a midlevel marketing executive and has taught marketing at Creighton University. Storlie's new book is "Combat Leader to Corporate Leader: 20 Lessons to Advance Your Civilian Career."

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