Tips for Making the Most of Your Tax Refund You should never lose sight of the fact that this is not found money, but simply Uncle Sam returning your money to you.
Income Tax: Know Your Education Credits Are you, your spouse or dependents going to college? You may be eligible for education credits when you file your taxes in...
Deducting Work-Related Education Expenses If you are an employee and can itemize your deductions, you may be able to claim a deduction for the expenses you pay for...
Use IRS Tax Credits to Help Pay for Education The IRS will help pay for advanced education expenses, making a return to school possible even on a tight budget.
IRA Spells Tax Savings, Now or Later If you're ready to start saving for your future using an IRA, you're not alone. According to the Investment Company Institute...
Tax Tips for Troops and Families: Overview Whether you do your own tax preparation or pay someone, organizing your tax information beforehand is a strong start.
5 Ways Taxes Can Affect Your Credit Tax time can be stressful enough without worrying about whether your tax issues will spill over to your credit reports and...
Six Tax Answers for Two-State Residents If you lived or worked in more than one state during the year, filing your state taxes can be confusing.
Tax Tips for First-Time Filers It's natural for first-time tax filers to feel anxiety. After all, you've heard how much April 15 stresses others out.
Shielding Yourself from Tax Season Scammers Tax season can bring out a Pandora's box of financial worries for everyone, but it sometimes attracts something worse...
2 New Ford-Class Aircraft Carriers Will Be Named After Former Presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush While the White House publicized the decision, the responsibility and authority to name ships lies squarely in the hands of...
Hegseth Could Lead Troops Who'd Face Getting Fired for Actions He's Done in the Past If Pete Hegseth were still in uniform, his extramarital affairs and a decision to flatly ignore a combat commander's...
Military Academies Quashed Army-Navy Game Advertisement Featuring Marine Recommended for Medal of Honor The ad, which lauded the life and bravery of retired Marine Maj. James Capers Jr., was sponsored by a group that has backed...
Trump's Pick for Top Pentagon Health Care Job Was Fired by CIA Keith Bass, President-elect Trump’s pick to run the Pentagon’s sprawling health care systems, was effectively fired by the...
An Ex-Green Beret Behind a Failed Venezuela Raid in 2020 Lashes Out at CIA and FBI A former Green Beret accused of plotting an invasion of Venezuela in 2020 to try to overthrow Nicolás Maduro lashed out at...