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20 Funny Because They're True Military Memes


So you're back to the grind after a holiday vacation. What better way to kick yourself out of the post-holiday slump than with 20 hilarious military memes? We scoured the internet for the best of the funny-because-they're true memes out there. 

Our Favorite Military Memes

1. From Servant Mama, because we've all been there:

20 Funny Because They're True Military Memes

2. From Jackie Toops at Army Wife 101 because you know you don't need an alarm clock when this happens:

 20 Funny Because They're True Military Memes

3. This one from Pinterest sums up how all of us want to fill out paperwork:

20 Funny Because They're True Military Memes

4. From Military Spouse because yes:

 20 Funny Because They're True Military Memes

5. The struggle is real from S-it My LPO Says:

 20 Funny Because They're True Military Memes

6.  Silly rabbit. Plans are for amateurs. From Soldiers Wife Crazy Life 

 20 Funny Because They're True Military Memes

7. We know this is right! From Someecards:

20 Funny Because They're True Military Memes

8. It's like talking about your mom. No one else can do it. Via Pinterest: 

20 Funny Because They're True Military Memes

9. That face! From Military Spouse:

 20 Funny Because They're True Military Memes

10. It's all in the perspective, from Someecards:

 20 Funny Because They're True Military Memes

11. And perspective wins again! Via Soldiers Wife Crazy Life:

20 Funny Because They're True Military Memes

12. Why won't it beep!? Via Soldiers Wife Crazy Life

20 Funny Because They're True Military Memes

13.  Cheers! Via Out of Regs:

 20 Funny Because They're True Military Memes

14. For the dare-devils out there. Or just the ones who forgot it was the 1st or 15th. Via Pinterest:

 20 Funny Because They're True Military Memes

15. You'll visit exotic ports, they said. From Out of Regs:

 20 Funny Because They're True Military Memes

16. Nothing says deployment like a Someecard from Murphy:

 20 Funny Because They're True Military Memes

 17. Also how I feel at the commissary on payday, from We Are the Mighty:

 20 Funny Because They're True Military Memes

18. #Truth from A Boy, A Girl, and the Marine Corps:

 20 Funny Because They're True Military Memes

19. Perhaps someone didn't get out of bed to help him find it? From Out of Regs:

 20 Funny Because They're True Military Memes

20. We're not hoarders. We're planners for our future houses. From Soldiers Wife Crazy Life:

 20 Funny Because They're True Military Memes


Have you stumbled across any light-hearted military memes this year on the internet or social media? Please share them in the comments if so! From all of us, thank you to you and your spouse for your year of service to our country. We wish you and your family only the best in the new year!

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