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Army Launches New 2015 Community Services Family Survey


If you are still operating on the hope that all the feedback surveys the military asks us to take actually do something, we've got another one for you, this time from Army Community Services (ACS).

The Army often asks soldiers to take surveys, but less often asks family members or even retirees to participate. This survey is a little bit different in that it looks to capture the opinions of everybody.

ACS is the Army's umbrella organization for almost all helper-services. Everything from career counseling to Survivor Outreach Services for gold star families falls under the ACS umbrella. Getting the programs ACS offers right is important if not entirely daunting. Just like every program in the military, ACS faces a real challenge with getting the word about what it offers out there and then getting people to show-up and use it.

This particular survey took me about five minutes to do, although a fairly large chunk of it asked me to answer questions on behalf of my soldier.

Army Community Services (ACS) has released a new survey for 2015. We have the details A new Army Community Services survey is open for all users -- but still asks you questions like you're the service member.

Other parts of it asked me if I planned to use the Survivor Outreach Services office. Um ... no. No, I don't plan to do that even though I'm super glad it exists.

Details and input from this survey are used to shape ACS programs. And in this era of budget cuts and sequestration, no one would be surprised if they are also used for making cuts.

And that's why we are taking the time to tell you about this one. Because if you really enjoy a particular program and you want to make sure it sticks around, you need to do what you can to make sure officials know you like it.

Take the survey here. 

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