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Video: How to Help Someone With PTSD


I know there is a psychologist in Columbia, S.C. who is very happy I moved to San Antonio earlier this year.

This poor guy,  Dr. Nick Lind of Post Trauma Resources, was so sick of talking to me on camera about post traumatic stress (PTS) that I'm sure he did a backflip when he learned my wife got orders to Texas.  Hey, what can I say, when I have an interest in something and get confused, I don't stop asking “what, why, and how” until I understand.There were many times during my interviews with Dr. Lind on post traumatic stress where we had to double-back on a particular subject because I didn't understand his answers.

But the subject of “how to help someone suffering from post traumatic stress” was NOT one of these topics. Nope. He made it quite clear how a friend, or family member is supposed to help. And even though this video is shorter than the rest, the content is probably the most important when it comes to helping a loved-one suffering from PTS.

Of course I was joking above about Dr. Lind getting tired of helping us create this important five-part video series on PTS. Even though we were in his office picking his brain for nearly two weeks, he was always very gracious with his time, knowledge, and experience. I hope you get the same benefit of watching this interview as we did, because PTS is a very serious injury, but not nearly as scary once you understand how to help someone who may be suffering.


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