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Should You Put Wife Porn in Your Care Package?

wife porn care package
An airman delivers mail at Bagram Air Field, Afghanistan. (U.S. Air Force/Staff Sgt. Evelyn Chavez)

Care packages are a popular topic among military spouses. But did you know that our readers told us the most popular item to include in a care package was … “pictures the kids should never ever see?”

Instead of pictures of the kids, prepackaged goodies, or useful items, 1 in 4 of you picked the naughty pictures. By that, we figured you were talking about bikini photos, right? Glamour shots? Clothed boudoir prints? No?

OK, naked pictures. Even wife porn. Wow. Should you send wife porn to your deployed service member or not?

Amy, our managing editor, thinks you are taking a chance sending that kind of picture. After all the comments from our readers, Amy kept thinking those boudoir pictures could be lost or stolen or — heaven forbid — passed around, posted up, picked to go viral on Pintrest and used as an example of moral depravity on the Colbert Report!!!!

Then again, our male readers favored that kind of care package over a pack of Oreos.

Movie makers side with the guys when it comes to the power of the photo. Most recently, Zac Ephron finds a picture in the sand in Iraq in The Lucky One. The picture itself sends him walking from Colorado to North Carolina to find the girl. But that picture isn’t a naked shot. Her's was the kind of picture you send to your brother. (Then again, it’s Nicholas Sparks so what did you expect, cleavage?)

Me, I’m not so sure what I think. On one hand, my beloved is going to have to rely on his memory. No new naked pictures after 40, OK? On the other hand, I know that my cute mom is in the middle of reading my dad all the letters they wrote back and forth when he was in training and in Vietnam. These two have been married for 51 years. Evidently, some of their letters are so hot that they are being enjoyed and disposed of now before the grandkids get an eyeful.

Which makes me think that sexiness has its place in the long distance relationship. But how much is too much? And how do you ever know for sure?

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