I broke up with the commissary. Maybe it’s temporary, but we sure haven’t seen each other in awhile.
Almost went yesterday. By the time I was ready to go it was closed, so I went to Target.
It started with a friend taking me to another local store and I found items there that I love and can’t get at my commissary. Got all happy inside and snapped up more and more, changing out my hand basket for a cart. I started going to that store on my own, or going to other stores. I love variety and access to new product lines when they’re released. Better brands of what we like lures me away too.
Confession: I really like taking my own groceries to the car or having store-paid baggers.
Residing off base makes my current choice easier. Life is just too busy right now to split my shopping up and I’m willing to pay for the convenience.
I do realize there’s a “30%” savings at the commissary and I intend to return one day. One-stop shopping and variety just has my heart for the time being.