Welcome to Our New Contributors


Without the witty, entertaining, emotional, informative, humorous and raw military life narratives brought to you by some amazing men and women who so openly share their experiences, there would be no SpouseBUZZ. We are grateful to our contributors for getting the conversations started here day after day. We're also grateful to our readers for, well, reading, but also for offering their wisdom and perspective in the comment threads. We've learned a lot from all of you.

Today, it's our pleasure to introduce you to three fabulous women who will begin contributing here at SpouseBUZZ.

First up is Sespi. Sespi has been a frequent commenter at SpouseBUZZ and we've long enjoyed her contributions here, and on her personal blog.

Sespi met her Sailor while she was studying international policy and he was learning Arabic in Monterey, CA. He convinced her to tag along as he PCSed to Georgia, and they were married a month later. They're stationed at Fort Gordon -- an Army post in Georgia nowhere near the ocean -- and after two years have already been through more deployments than she can count.

After a two year hiatus from the working world, Sespi accepted a job offer in DC and is preparing to become a geographical bachelorette. She's got her fingers crossed that the Navy will cooperate and send her husband along within a year or so.

When she's not checking the calendar to see how many days are left until shore duty, Sespi reads like crazy, explores the city with her husband and their two dogs, and pretends to be a runner. She also blogs about whatever happens to be on her mind at And You Never Did Think and can be found pretty much 24/7 on Twitter: @sespi

Meet The Mrs. Her legendary humor will no doubt keep us in stitches...
The Mrs. is the mother of three rambunctious little boys and the wife of a Marine. Her days are filled with laundry, volunteering, dodging nerf bullets, constantly putting the toilet seat down, and tripping over flight boots. It truly is the American Dream.

When not refereeing someone's fight, she blogs a journal of military wife life and the random thoughts of an often solo parent at Trying Our Best. However, since discovering twitter a year ago she has become a twitter fiend and is debating starting a 12-step program. You can find The Mrs. on Twitter: @mrs_flyboy

And last but certainly not least, meet the fabulous Lori of Witty Little Secret.
Lori Volkman is a Deputy Prosecutor who started an online diary in September 2010 to chronicle her family's one year deployment journey. Incorporating both humor and touching realism into her posts, she quickly garnered attention from the blogging community. Her blog was featured on "Freshly Pressed" by Wordpress in October 2010, and she was a finalist at the Military.com blog awards in April 2011 for "Best Spouse Blog."  She cares for two young children, has a full time legal career, and writes about the challenges of separation that she faces, from the mundane to the significant. Lori's blog, Witty Little Secret can be found here.

She is also a lifetime military supporter with a wide array of experience; her father was a naval aviator, as is her husband. She grew up a Navy brat in the military community and then experienced life as a military spouse both in the active duty and reserve roles. After twelve years as a commercial UPS pilot and Navy Reservist, her husband's ticket was up, and the whole family embarked on a new journey. Her husband is now deployed as an "Individual Augmentee" for one year, and has changed into an Army uniform to work at an Air Force base with joint forces in the Middle East. Like many IA spouses, Lori is experiencing the benefits of the online community because there are no nearby military installations and very few similarly situated spouses in her immediate area.

In addition to her writing, Lori also recently launched the nonprofit "Lens of Hope" which provides free photography to families fighting cancer. She was inspired to help a photographer get the project going after her good friend's little boy passed away and her own mother was diagnosed with a rare cancer. She uses it as an opportunity to stay busy and to focus on the blessings of her life rather than the challenges.

Ladies - It's hard to express how happy we are to have you join the SpouseBUZZ team. We look forward to reading your posts.

Welcome to SpouseBUZZ!

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