If you're a Black Friday shopper, you might like to take a peek at the AAFES and NEX Black Friday ads posted at bfads.net. Each entry includes both a text list of the items for sale by category, and also a scan of the actual ad itself. You can also click around to other advertisements for the holiday weekend.
A few warnings:
Local store hours will vary. Check your nearby stores for their exact hours.
Keep in mind that some items will have different prices at different locations. This is a huge bummer but it is the nature of the Exchange pricing systems.
Many items just say a percentage off, so you'll have to do some pre-shopping and planning if you want to know the exact price.
Please, please, don't be buying stuff just because it is a great price. Have a budget and a plan before you get all goo-goo eyed at the great deals. It has already happened to me; looking through those ads makes me think that I need a whole bunch of stuff that I don't really need. Be smart and if you know that you have no self-control, stay home!
Happy and sensible shopping!