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Army Veteran Mat Best Is Having a Better ‘Quarantine’ Than You Are

Whistle along with Mat Best on "Quarantine," his new hit song with Tim Montana.

Anyone who’s familiar with Army veteran, YouTube star, Black Rifle Coffee entrepreneur and hyperactive force of nature Mat Best knew he wouldn’t be sitting on his butt watching Netflix once the COVID-19 quarantine hit.

Our boy has instead been keeping busy writing and recording with Tim Montana, enlisting his fellow veterans and celebrity friends to make an appropriately social-distanced video and now they’ve delivered the best country song you’ll hear all week that’s not by Joe Exotic.

Ladies and gentlemen, here’s “Quarantine.”

This, friends, is how you write a hooky chorus:

Quarantine, quarantine

Drinking whiskey like vaccine

Waving at the neighbors

Social distancing

Quarantine, quarantine

Wearing Lysol like sunscreen

Quarantine, quarantine

Oh, lonesome quarantine

If you pay close attention to the video and don’t get too carried away singing along, you’ll notice that the guest lip-syncers include former Navy SEAL and “Lone Survivor” author Marcus Luttrell, former SEAL and Osama bin Laden shooter Rob O’Neill, Medal of Honor recipient and U.S. Marine Dakota Meyer, pardoned former SEAL newly minted SEAL celebrity Eddie Gallagher and former Army Ranger and Ranger 15 founder Nick Palmisciano.

Related: Mat Best’s ‘Not Your Typical Military Book’ Hits the Top of the Charts

Music fans will recognize country singer Chris Kirkpatrick and honky-tonk legend Ray Wylie Hubbard. Actor and Hollywood wildman Charlie Sheen even makes a brief appearance.

Just so you’re clear going in: Best and his friends are taking warnings about the coronavirus very seriously and made this video to educate everyone about the quarantine and social distancing. They’re also looking to let everyone know that the Red Cross is running low on blood supplies in hopes that viewers will donate blood and also give money to charities set up to help in the current crisis.

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